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All bills (starting with 'A')

All bills (introduced in 2nd session of 8th Parliament)

This list contains bills introduced since 1856. LA means the Legislative Assembly, and LC means the Legislative Council.
Bill Title Origin Status House
Adulteration of Food Prevention Bill 1876 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Agreements Validating Bill 1875 LA Assented LA
Appropriation Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
Atheists Evidence Admission Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Australian Wine Sales Amendment Bill 1875 LA Assented LA
Barristers Admission Bill 1875 LA Assented LA
Bathurst Hospital (No 1) Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Bathurst Hospital Bill (No 2) 1876 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bathurst Markets Amendment Bill 1876 LA Discharged
Private Member's Public Bill
Bathurst Presbyterian Church Trustees Enabling Bill 1876 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Betting Houses Suppression Bill 1875 LA Assented LA
Border Duties Convention Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
Cattle Sale Yards Act Amendment Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Church and School Lands Roads Alienation Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Claims against the Colonial Government Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
Clarence Electorate Subdivision Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Coal Mines Regulation Bill 1875 LA Assented LA
Consolidated Revenue Bill (No 2) 1876 LA Assented LA
Consolidated Revenue Bill (No 3) 1876 LA Assented LA
Consolidated Revenue (No 4) Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
Consolidated Revenue (No 5) Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
Consolidated Revenue (No 6) Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
Consolidated Revenue (No 7) Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
Consolidated Revenue Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
Contagious Diseases Prevention Bill 1875 LA Laid Aside LA
Contagious Diseases Prevention Bill (No 2) 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Contempts Before Justices Punishment Bill 1875 LA Negatived LA
Contractors Debts Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Cooma Roman Catholic Church Trustees Bill 1876 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Copyright Bill 1876 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Crime Prosecution Bill 1875 LA Lapsed LA
Dedicated Crown Lands Resumption Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
Diseases in Sheep Act Amendment Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
District Courts Act Amendment Bill 1875 LA Lapsed LA
District Courts Act Amendment Bill (No 2) 1876 LA Lapsed LA
District Courts Act Amendment Bill (No 3) 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Duty on Gold Abolition Bill 1875 LA Negatived LA
Electoral Act Amendment Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Fire Brigades Bill 1876 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Fitzgerald's Enabling Bill 1875 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Game Protection Bill 1875 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Gunpowder and Explosive Substances Law Consolidation Bill 1875 LA Assented LA
Gwydir Electorate Subdivision Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Hanson's Trust Bill 1876 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Hasting Electorate Subdivision Bill 1876 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Impounding Act Amendment Bill 1875 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Imprisonment for Debt Abolition Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Jury Law Amendment Bill 1875 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Jury Law Amendment Bill (No 2) 1876 LA Assented LA
Lapsed Votes Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Law of Evidence Amendment Bill 1875 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Law of Evidence Amendment Bill (No 2) 1876 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Legalization of certain Conditional and Other Purchases Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
Libel Law Amendment Bill 1875 LA Lapsed LA
Loans to Municipalities Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Married Women's Property Bill 1875 LA Lapsed LA
Married Women's Reversionary Interests in Personal Estate Bill 1875 LA Assented LA
Matrimonial Causes Act Amendment Bill 1875 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Mining Act Amendment Bill 1876 LA Discharged LA
Murrumbidgee Turf Club Bill 1876 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Nevell's Leasing Bill 1876 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Newcastle Paving and Public Vehicles Regulation Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
North Shore Gas Bill 1875 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Northumberland Electorate Increased Representation Bill 1876 LA Negatived LA
Ordnance Lands Transfer Bill 1875 LA Lapsed LA
Petersham Land Purchase Bill 1875 LA Assented LA
Privileges of Parliament Bill 1875 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Provision for the support of persons imprisoned for Debt Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Public Place Definition Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Public Schools Act Amendment Bill 1876 LA Laid Aside LA
Public Vehicles Regulation Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Public Works Loan Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
Quiet of the Subjects Act Extension Bill 1876 LA Withdrawn LA
Randwick Toll-gate Removal Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
Recognizance to keep the Peace Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
Sale of Colonial Wines Act of 1862 Repeal Bill 1875 LA Assented LA
Sale of Liquors Licensing Act Amendment Bill 1876 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Secret Bills of Sale Act Amendment Bill 1875 LA Lapsed LA
Sites for places of Public Worship Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Stamp Duties Collection and Refund Bill 1876 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Summary Recovery of Money for Labour Bill 1876 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Sydney Sewerage Act Amendment Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
Tamworth Roman Catholic Church Trustees Bill 1876 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Tolls on Public Roads Abolition Bill 1876 LA Negatived LA
Trades Unions Funds Protection Bill 1876 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Triennial Parliaments Repeal Bill 1876 LA Discharged LA
Usury Limitation Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Volunteer Force Regulation Act Amendment Bill 1876 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Animals Protection Bill 1876 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Appeals from Summary Convictions Bill 1876 LC Assented LC
Apprenticeship Law Amendment Bill 1876 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Bankers' Cheques Amendment Bill 1875 LC Lapsed LC
Camden College Incorporation Bill 1876 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Companies Act Amendment Bill 1876 LC Assented LC
Evidence Further Amendment Bill 1876 LC Assented LC
Medical Bill 1876 LC Discharged LC
Ordnance Lands Transfer Bill 1875 LC Not Proceeded With LC
Protection of Titles of Honor or Merit Bill 1876 LC Negatived LC
Sale and Use of Poisons Bill 1876 LC Assented LC
Solemn Declarations Simplification Bill 1876 LC Negatived LC
Throsby's Leasing Bill 1876 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Verdicts of Felo-de-se Bill 1875 LC Assented LC