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All bills (starting with 'A')

All bills (introduced in 4th session of 5th Parliament)

This list contains bills introduced since 1856. LA means the Legislative Assembly, and LC means the Legislative Council.
Bill Title Origin Status House
Amended Randwick and Coogee Roads Trust Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Appropriation Bill 1868 LA Assented LA
Border Duties Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Camperdown and Randwick Cemeteries Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Cataract Coal Mine Railway Bill 1867 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Chinese Immigration Act Repeal Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Claims Against Government Bill 1867 LA Lapsed LA
Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Incorporation Act Amendment Bill 1867 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Common Carriers Bill 1867 LA Withdrawn LA
Common Carriers Bill (No 2) 1867 LA Discharged LA
Consolidated Revenue Fund Bill 1868 LA Assented LA
Customs General Regulation Act Amendment Bill 1868 LA Assented LA
Dedicated Crown Lands Resumption Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
District Courts Act Further Amendment Bill 1867 LA Discharged LA
Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Bill 1867 LA Discharged LA
Electoral Representation Amendment Bill 1867 LA Negatived LA
Federal Council Bill 1867 LA Withdrawn LA
Federal Council Bill (No 2) 1867 LA Assented LA
Fisheries Act Amendment Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Future Governors Salaries Reduction Bill 1867 LA Negatived LA
Game Preservation Amendment Bill 1867 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Gates on Public Roads Bill 1867 LA Lapsed LA
Gold Duties Reduction Bill 1867 LA Discharged LA
Hartley Vale Colliery Railway Bill 1867 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Honorary Degrees Bill 1867 LA Negatived LA
Land Laws Amendment and Freehold Settlement Bill 1867 LA Withdrawn LA
Land Laws Amendment and Freehold Settlement Bill (No 2) 1867 LA Discharged LA
Leasehold Rights of Free Selectors Bill 1868 LA Lapsed LA
Liens on Wool and Mortgages of Sheep Law Amendment Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Military Contribution Act Amendment Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Municipalities Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Necropolis Regulation Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Ordnance Land Act Amendment Bill 1867 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Oyster Fisheries Protection Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Parramatta Factory-street Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Postage Laws Consolidation and Amendment Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Presbyterian College (St. Andrew's College) Bill 1867 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Public Works Loan Bill 1868 LA Assented LA
Railway Loan Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Real Property Act Amendment Bill 1867 LA Discharged LA
Robbery with Arms Bill 1867 LA Discharged LA
Sale of Improved Lands Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Slaughter-house Regulation Laws Bill 1867 LA Discharged LA
St. Andrew's Cathedral Close Bill 1867 LA Discharged LA
Stamp Duties Amendment Bill 1867 LA Withdrawn LA
Stamp Duties Amendment Bill (No 2) 1868 LA Assented LA
Supply of Intoxicating Liquors to Aborigines Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Sydney Boundaries Amendment Bill 1868 LA Discharged LA
Sydney Common Improvement Act Amendment Bill 1868 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Sydney Taxation Limitation and Boundaries Extension Bill 1868 LA Discharged LA
Towns Police Regulation Act Amendment Bill 1867 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Treason Felony Bill 1868 LA Assented LA
Treasury Bills Bill 1868 LA Assented LA
Treatment of Insane Persons Law Amendment Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Triennial Parliaments Bill 1867 LA Negatived LA
Vines and Grapes Importation Prohibition Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Volunteer Force Regulation Bill 1867 LA Withdrawn LA
Volunteer Force Regulation Bill (No 2) 1867 LA Assented LA
Waterview Patent Slip Bill 1867 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
West Maitland Water Supply and Embankment Bill 1868 LA Discharged
Private Member's Public Bill
Arbitrations Facilitation Bill 1867 LC Assented LC
Capital Punishments in certain cases Abolition Bill 1867 LC Negatived LC
Clarence and Richmond Rivers Steam Navigation Company's Act Amendment Bill 1867 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Newcastle Co-operative Steam-Tug Company's Bill 1867 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Ordnance Lands Transfer Bill 1867 LC Not Proceeded With LC
Proceedings in Insolvency Facilitation Bill 1867 LC Assented LC
Western Kerosene Oil Company's Incorporation Bill 1867 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill