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All bills (starting with 'A')

All bills (introduced in 1st session of 51st Parliament)

This list contains bills introduced since 1856. LA means the Legislative Assembly, and LC means the Legislative Council.
Bill Title Origin Status House
Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 39 of 1995 LA
Adoption Information Amendment Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 61 of 1995 LC
Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 1995 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Preference) Bill 1995 LA Negatived
Private Member's Public Bill
Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 81 of 1995 LA
Appropriation (Special Offices) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 82 of 1995 LA
Appropriation Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 80 of 1995 LA
Banks and Bank Holidays Amendment Bill 1995 LA Discharged
Private Member's Public Bill
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 62 of 1995 LC
Bread Repeal Bill 1995 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 85 of 1995 LA
Casino Control Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 56 of 1995 LA
Children (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 78 of 1995 LC
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 63 of 1995 LC
Coal Industry Amendment Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 19 of 1995 LC
Commercial Tribunal Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 40 of 1995 LA
Community Protection Bill 1994 LC Assented - Act No 77 of 1994 LC
Competition Policy Reform (New South Wales) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 8 of 1995 LA
Constitution (Entrenchment) Amendment Bill 1992 LA Assented - Act No 2 of 1995 LA
Constitution (Fixed term Parliaments) Amendment Bill 1993 LA Assented - Act No 1 of 1995 LA
Constitution Amendment (Office of Governor) Bill 1995 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 7 of 1995 LA
Consumer Credit Administration Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 69 of 1995 LA
Conveyancers Licensing Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 57 of 1995 LA
Co-operatives Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 41 of 1995 LA
Coroners Amendment Bill 1995 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Corporations (New South Wales) Amendment Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 20 of 1995 LC
Courts Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 21 of 1995 LC
Courts Legislation Further Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 88 of 1995 LA
Crimes (Dangerous Driving Offences) Amendment Bill 1994 LC Assented - Act No 78 of 1994 LC
Crimes Amendment (Child Pornography) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 49 of 1995 LA
Crimes Amendment (Intoxication) Bill 1995 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Crimes Amendment (Mandatory Life Sentences) Bill 1995 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Criminal Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 23 of 1995 LC
Criminal Legislation Further Amendment Bill 1995 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Criminal Procedure Amendment (Indictable Offences) Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 22 of 1995 LC
Director of Public Prosecutions Amendment Bill 1995 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Disability Services Amendment (Residents' Amenities Accounts) Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 24 of 1995 LC
Disorderly Houses Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 53 of 1995 LA
Dormant Funds Amendment Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 64 of 1995 LC
Education Reform Amendment (Corporal Punishment) Bill 1995 LC Withdrawn LC
Education Reform Amendment (School Discipline) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 93 of 1995 LA
Electricity Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 18 of 1995 LA
Electricity Supply Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 94 of 1995 LA
Employment Agents Bill 1995 LC Lapsed LC
Endangered Fauna (Interim Protection) Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 33 of 1995 LA
Energy Services Corporations Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 95 of 1995 LA
Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Contaminated Land) Bill 1995 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Delegation) Bill 1995 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Bill 1995 LA Lapsed LA
Environmental Planning Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 90 of 1995 LA
Evidence (Consequential and Other Provisions) Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 27 of 1995 LC
Evidence Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 25 of 1995 LC
Evidence on Commission Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 26 of 1995 LC
Fair Trading (Petroleum Retail Marketing) Bill 1995 LA Negatived
Private Member's Public Bill
Fair Trading Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 58 of 1995 LA
Family Impact Commission Bill 1995 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Fire Brigades Amendment (Contributions) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 6 of 1995 LA
Forestry Amendment (Control Signs) Bill 1995 LA Negatived
Private Member's Public Bill
Forestry Restructuring and Nature Conservation Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 50 of 1995 LA
Forests and Reserves Revocation Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 100 of 1995 LA
Forfeiture Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 65 of 1995 LC
Gaming and Betting Amendment (Racing) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 51 of 1995 LA
General Government Debt Elimination Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 83 of 1995 LA
Government Pricing Tribunal Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 97 of 1995 LA
Government Publicity Control Bill 1995 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Graffiti Control (Spray Paint Can Display) Bill 1995 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Health Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 9 of 1995 LA
Home Invasion (Occupants Protection) Bill 1995 LC Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Industrial Hemp Production (Experimental Development) Bill 1995 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Industrial Relations Bill 1995 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Institute of Sport Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 52 of 1995 LA
Jury Amendment Bill 1995 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Law of Evidence Bill 1995 LA Lapsed LA
Law of Evidence Bill 1995 LC Not Proceeded With LC
Liquor Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 34 of 1995 LA
Liquor and Registered Clubs Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LA Lapsed LA
Liquor Further Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 70 of 1995 LA
Local Government Amendment (Alcohol-free Zones) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 79 of 1995 LA
Local Government Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 12 of 1995 LA
Marketing of Primary Products Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 42 of 1995 LA
Mental Health Amendment Bill 1995 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Michael Black Compensation Bill 1995 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Motor Accidents Amendment Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 66 of 1995 LC
Motor Vehicles Taxation Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 84 of 1995 LA
National Environment Protection Council (New South Wales) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 4 of 1995 LA
National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Game Birds Protection) Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 60 of 1995
Private Member's Public Bill
National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Bill 1995 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
New South Wales Cancer Council Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 43 of 1995 LA
Oaths and Crown References Bill 1995 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Olympic Co-ordination Authority Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 10 of 1995 LA
Parliamentary Committees Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 3 of 1995 LA
Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Amendment (Enrolment and Voting) Bill 1995 LA Negatived
Private Member's Public Bill
Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Amendment (Method of Voting) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 54 of 1995 LA
Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Amendment (Redistribution) Bill 1995 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Amendment (Voter Identification) Bill 1995 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Parliamentary Supply Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 35 of 1995 LA
Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Bill 1995 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Pay-roll Tax (Country Industries Exemption) Amendment Bill 1995 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Periodic Detention of Prisoners Amendment Bill 1995 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Plant Diseases Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 44 of 1995 LA
Poisons Amendment (Therapeutic Goods) Bill 1995 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Police Service Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 77 of 1995 LA
Police Service Further Amendment Bill 1995 LA Lapsed LA
Ports Corporatisation and Waterways Management Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 13 of 1995 LA
Presbyterian Church (Corporations) Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 67 of 1995 LC
Prisons Amendment Bill 1995 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Privacy and Data Protection Bill 1995 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Property Legislation Amendment (Easements) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 71 of 1995 LA
Public Defenders Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 28 of 1995 LC
Public Finance and Audit Amendment (Contract Provisions Disclosure) Bill 1995 LA Negatived
Private Member's Public Bill
Public Health Amendment Bill 1995 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Public Sector Management Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 36 of 1995 LA
Public Service Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 77 of 1995 LA
Queanbeyan Showground (Variation of Purposes) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 14 of 1995
Private Member's Public Bill
Registered Clubs Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 37 of 1995 LA
Road Improvement (Special Funding) Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1995 LA
Road Improvement (Special Funding) Further Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 86 of 1995 LA
Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles Registration Charges) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 72 of 1995 LA
Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 73 of 1995 LA
Roads Amendment (Street Vending) Bill 1995 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Roads Amendment (Transfer of Crown Roads) Bill 1995 LA Negatived LA
Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust Amendment Bill 1995 LA Lapsed LA
Sexual Offences Damages Bill 1995 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Sports Drug Testing Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 45 of 1995 LA
Standard Time Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1995 LA
State Emergency Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 91 of 1995 LA
State Owned Corporations Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 32 of 1995 LA
State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 17 of 1995 LA
State Revenue Legislation Further Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 98 of 1995 LA
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 16 of 1995 LA
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1995 (No 2) LA Assented - Act No 99 of 1995 LA
Statute Law Revision (Local Government) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 11 of 1995 LA
Stock (Chemical Residues) Amendment Bill 1995 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Stock Diseases Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 46 of 1995 LA
Stock Medicines Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 47 of 1995 LA
Superannuation Administration Amendment Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 29 of 1995 LC
Supply Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 38 of 1995 LA
Sustainable Energy Development Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 96 of 1995 LA
Threatened Species Conservation Bill (No 2) 1995 LA Assented - Act No 101 of 1995 LA
Threatened Species Conservation Bill 1995 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Timber Industry (Interim Protection) Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 74 of 1995 LA
Timber Plantations (Harvest Guarantee) Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 92 of 1995 LA
Totalizator Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 5 of 1995 LA
Totalizator Legislation Further Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 59 of 1995 LA
Traffic (Negligent Driving Offences) Amendment Bill 1994 LC Assented - Act No 79 of 1994 LC
Tree Plantations (Harvest Security) Bill 1995 LA Negatived
Private Member's Public Bill
Tweed River Entrance Sand Bypassing Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 55 of 1995 LA
Unclaimed Money Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 75 of 1995 LA
Uncollected Goods Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 68 of 1995 LC
Veterinary Surgeons Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 48 of 1995 LA
Waste Minimalisation and Management Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 102 of 1995 LA
Western Lands Amendment Bill 1995 LA Discharged LA
Westpac Banking Corporation Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 76 of 1995 LA
Witness Protection Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 87 of 1995 LA
Workcover Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 89 of 1995 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 30 of 1995 LC