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Daily Business Program

Daily Business Program (21 June 2024)

61 21 June 2024 Program.pdf

Friday 21 June 2024  


House meets at 10.00 am 

Giving of Notices of Motions (General Business) (for a period of up to 15 minutes) 




Notices of Motions (for Bills) (for up to 40 minutes) 

No. 4 David Berry Hospital Amendment (Prohibition of Sale) Bill; introduction and second reading (Mr Gareth Ward; lapses 17 November 2024). 

No. 5 Electricity Infrastructure Investment Amendment (Tender Moratorium) Bill; introduction and second reading (Mr Roy Butler; lapses 17 November 2024). 


Committee Reports (Take Note Debates) (for up to 40 minutes) 

No. 1 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled 'Legislation Review Digest No. 15/58 



At approximately 11.00 am 


Member for Hornsby 




Notice of Motion  

No.1. Water Management Amendment (Central Coast Council) Bill; introduction and second reading speech (Mr David Harris). 


Orders of the Day 

.. Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill; consideration of Legislative Council amendment (Mr Paul Scully)  
(to be reported). 

.. Catholic Cemeteries and Crematoria Trust Bill; consideration of Legislative Council amendment (Mr Stephen Kamper) (to be reported). 

.. Energy Security Corporation Bill; consideration of Legislative Council amendment (Mr Paul Scully) 
(to be reported). 

No.6 Government Sector Employment and Other Legislation Amendment Bill; awaiting second reading speech (Ms Jo Haylen). 

No.3 Ombudsman and Other Legislation Amendment Bill; awaiting second reading speech (Ms Jo Haylen). 

At 1.30 pm 


Community Recognition Statements  

Private Members Statements 





(approved by email) 

Ron Hoenig, MP 

Leader of the House 
