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All bills (starting with 'A')

All bills (introduced in 4th session of 28th Parliament)

This list contains bills introduced since 1856. LA means the Legislative Assembly, and LC means the Legislative Council.
Bill Title Origin Status House
Advances to Settlers (Government Guarantee) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 46 of 1929 LA
Appropriation Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 51 of 1929 LA
Australian Red Cross Society New South Wales Division Incorporation Bill 1929 LC Assented - Act No 62 of 1929 LC
Birds and Animals Protection (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 12 of 1930 LA
Bungendore to Captain's Flat Railway Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 23 of 1930 LA
Bush Fires Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 14 of 1930 LA
Cement Contract Ratification Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 27 of 1930 LA
Centenary Celebration (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 57 of 1929 LA
Centenary Celebration (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 41 of 1930 LA
Constitution (Further Amendment) Bill 1929 LC Other -- see Bill Remarks LC
Constitution Further Amendment (Referendum) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 2 of 1930 LA
Conveyancing (Amendment) Bill 1930 LC Assented - Act No 44 of 1930 LC
Co-operation (Further Amendment) Bill 1929 LC Assented - Act No 61 of 1929 LC
Country Women's Association of New South Wales Incorporation Bill 1929 LC Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Crimes (Fraudulent Misappropriation) Bill 1929 LC Assented - Act No 39 of 1929 LC
Crimes (Further Amendment) Bill 1929 LC Assented - Act No 26 of 1929 LC
Crimes (Intimidation and Molestation) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1929 LA
Crown Lands (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 4 of 1930 LA
Crown Lands (Pilliga Scrub) Amendment Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 5 of 1930 LA
Dairies Supervision (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 36 of 1930 LA
Damages (Infants and Persons of Unsound Mind) Bill 1929 LC Assented - Act No 25 of 1929 LC
Defamation (Amendment) Bill 1929 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Deficiency (Revenue) Amendment Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 42 of 1930 LA
Early Closing (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Entertainments Tax (Management) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 56 of 1929 LA
Entertainments Tax Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 55 of 1929 LA
Family Endowment (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 11 of 1930 LA
Family Endowment (Further Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 58 of 1929 LA
Farm Produce Agents (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Farrer Memorial Research Scholarship Fund Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 38 of 1930 LA
Finance (Family Endowment Tax Reduction) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 48 of 1929 LA
Finance (Family Endowment Tax) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 10 of 1930 LA
Fisheries and Oyster Farms Bill 1930 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Government Insurance (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 30 of 1930 LA
Government Railways (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 35 of 1929 LA
Government Railways (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 39 of 1930 LA
Government Railways Amendment (Construction) Bill 1930 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Government Railways and Tramways Appropriation Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 9 of 1930 LA
Government Relief Administration Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 24 of 1930 LA
Grafton and South Grafton Water Supply Administration (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Guardianship of Infants Bill 1930 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Hillston to Roto Railway Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 38 of 1929 LA
Income Tax (Management) Amendment Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 47 of 1929 LA
Income Tax Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 50 of 1929 LA
Industrial Arbitration (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 41 of 1929 LA
Industrial Arbitration (Eight Hours) Amendment Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 22 of 1930 LA
Industrial Arbitration (Living Wage) Amendment Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 40 of 1929 LA
Industrial Arbitration (Suspension of Living Wage Declaration) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 27 of 1929 LA
Judicial Acts (Validating) Bill 1929 LC Assented - Act No 29 of 1929 LC
Justice (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Justices (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Landlord and Tenant (Shops) Bill 1930 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Law of Evidence Bill 1929 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Law of Evidence Bill 1929 LC Not Proceeded With LC
Legal Practitioners (Amendment) Bill 1930 LC Lapsed LC
Liquor (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 49 of 1929 LA
Liquor Amendment (Fees) Bill 1929 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Loan Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 52 of 1929 LA
Marketing of Primary Products (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Discharged LA
Marketing of Primary Products (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 3 of 1930 LA
Married Women's Property (Amendment) Bill 1929 LC Lapsed LC
Mental Defectives Bill 1930 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Metropolitan Milk Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 59 of 1929 LA
Metropolitan Water, Sewerage and Drainage (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 6 of 1930 LA
Moscheto Island Agreement Ratification Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 29 of 1930 LA
Necropolis (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 26 of 1930 LA
Opticians Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 20 of 1930 LA
Parliamentary Allowances and Salaries Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 8 of 1930 LA
Parliamentary Electorates and Elections (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 33 of 1929 LA
Parramatta River (Ryde to Concord) Bridge Bill 1930 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Parramatta River (Sutherland Street to Auburn) Bridge Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 43 of 1930 LA
Pastures Protection Bill 1930 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Poisons (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Police Offences Amendment (Firearms) Bill 1930 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Prevention and Relief of Unemployment Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 34 of 1930 LA
Prickly-pear (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 13 of 1930 LA
Public Service (Salaries Reduction) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 21 of 1930 LA
Racecourses Admission Tax (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 28 of 1930 LA
Railways (Construction Validation) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 33 of 1930 LA
Reclamation Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 37 of 1930 LA
Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Amendment) Bill 1930 LC Assented - Act No 17 of 1930 LC
Royal Agricultural Society (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Santa Sophia College Incorporation Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 45 of 1929 LA
Small Debts Recovery (Amendment) Bill 1929 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Special Deposits (Industrial Undertakings) Amendment Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 40 of 1930 LA
Superannuation (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1930 LA
Supply (No 2) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 37 of 1929 LA
Supply (No 3) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 53 of 1929 LA
Supply Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 24 of 1929 LA
Supply Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 7 of 1930 LA
Supreme Court Procedure (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Sydney Corporation (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 34 of 1929 LA
Sydney Corporation Amendment (Loans) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 1 of 1930 LA
Sydney Harbour Trust (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 32 of 1930 LA
Taree-Wingham Water Supply Administration Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 44 of 1929 LA
The Great Synagogue Sydney Bill 1930 LC Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
The Salvation Army (New South Wales) Property Trust 1929 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Transport Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 18 of 1930 LA
Trustee (Amendment) Bill 1929 LC Assented - Act No 60 of 1929 LC
Unemployment Relief (Tax) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 25 of 1930 LA
Vagrancy (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 30 of 1929 LA
Wade Shire Rates Validation Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 35 of 1930 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1930 LA
Wellington Show Ground Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 54 of 1929 LA
Wentworth Park (Vesting) Bill 1929 LA Not Proceeded With LA
West Scholarships Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 19 of 1930 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 16 of 1930 LA
Widows' Pensions (Further Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 42 of 1929 LA
Wills, Probate and Administration (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Women's College (Lands) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 32 of 1929 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 36 of 1929 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Broken Hill) Amendment Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 43 of 1929 LA