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All bills (starting with 'A')

All bills (introduced in 5th session of 5th Parliament)

This list contains bills introduced since 1856. LA means the Legislative Assembly, and LC means the Legislative Council.
Bill Title Origin Status House
Appropriation Bill 1869 LA Assented LA
Burials Regulation Bill 1869 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Cattle Diseases Prevention Act Amendment Bill 1869 LA Lapsed LA
Clifts Coal Properties Leasing Bill 1869 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Collector of Customs Superannuation Bill 1869 LA Negatived LA
Common Carriers Bill 1868 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Compulsory Vaccination Bill 1869 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Consolidated Revenue Fund Bill 1869 LA Assented LA
Consolidated Revenue Fund Bill (No 2) 1869 LA Assented LA
Diseases in Grape Vines Prevention Bill 1869 LA Lapsed LA
Diseases in Sheep Act Amendment Bill 1869 LA Withdrawn LA
Friendly Societies Bill 1869 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Grape Disease (Oidium Tuckeri) Prevention Bill 1868 LA Withdrawn LA
Impounding Act Amendment Bill 1869 LA Assented LA
Municipalities Act Amendment Bill 1869 LA Discharged LA
Municipalities Act Amendment Bill (No 2) 1869 LA Assented LA
Ordnance Land Act Amendment Bill 1868 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Police Regulation Extension Bill 1869 LA Assented LA
Public Works Loan Bill 1869 LA Assented LA
Randwick and Coogee Roads Transfer Bill 1869 LA Assented LA
Recovery of Sewerage Rates Bill 1869 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Road Act Amendment Bill 1868 LA Assented LA
Sale of Liquors Licensing Act Amendment Bill 1869 LA Withdrawn LA
Small Debts Recovery Act Amendment Bill 1869 LA Lapsed LA
Small Pox Prevention Bill 1869 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
St. Andrew's Cathedral Close Bill 1868 LA Assented LA
Stamp Duties Acts Consolidation Bill 1868 LA Assented LA
Suburban Water Supply Bill 1868 LA Discharged LA
Summary Convictions and Orders Amendment Bill 1869 LA Assented LA
Sydney Boundaries Amendment Bill 1868 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Sydney Cattle Slaughtering Prevention Bill 1869 LA Withdrawn LA
Sydney Corporation Act Amendment Bill 1869 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Sydney Paving Bill 1869 LA Lapsed LA
Treason Felony Act Amendment Bill 1869 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Treasury Bills Bill 1869 LA Assented LA
Triennial Parliaments Bill 1868 LA Negatived LA
Workhouse Act Repeal Bill 1869 LA Assented LA
Ordnance Lands Transfer Bill 1868 LC Not Proceeded With LC
United Fire and Life Insurance Company's Incorporation Act Amendment Bill 1869 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill