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Committee Details

Portfolio Committee No. 5 - Justice and Communities

Portfolio Committee No. 5 – Justice and Communities was established on 10 May 2023 in the 58th Parliament to inquire into and report on any matters relevant to the public administration of:



Police and Counter Terrorism

The Hunter

Families and Communities, Disability Inclusion

Women, Seniors, Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault


Please contact the secretariat if you need assistance to find information from a previous Parliament.

Chair: Borsak, Robert (SFF, LC Member)
Deputy Chair: Higginson, Sue (GRNS, LC Member)
Members: Donnelly, Greg (ALP, LC Member)
Lawrence, Stephen (ALP, LC Member)
Maclaren-Jones, Natasha (LIB, LC Member)
Murphy, Cameron (ALP, LC Member)
Overall, Nichole (NAT, LC Member)
