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Member Details

The Hon. Cameron L MURPHY, AM MLC

Member Photo
Member of the Legislative Council
Deputy Government Whip in the Legislative Council
Member of the Australian Labor Party
Term of service expires 59th Parliament (07 Mar 2031)
Contact Details
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Member of the Legislative Council
A The Hon. Cameron Murphy, MLC
Parliament House
Macquarie Street
P (02) 9230 2729
E [email protected]

Parliamentary Activity
Current Positions
Position Start Notes
Member, Joint Standing Committee on Net Zero Future 20 Jun 2024
Deputy Chair, Committee on the Ombudsman, the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission and the Crime Commission 03 Aug 2023
Member, Committee on the Ombudsman, the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission and the Crime Commission 29 Jun 2023
Member, Legislation Review Committee 29 Jun 2023
Member, Privileges Committee 23 May 2023
Member, Selection of Bills Committee 23 May 2023
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 4 - Regional NSW 17 May 2023
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 5 - Justice and Communities 17 May 2023
Member, Regulation Committee 17 May 2023
Deputy Government Whip in the Legislative Council 03 May 2023
Member of the NSW Legislative Council 25 Mar 2023
Prior Positions
Position Start End Period Notes
Substitute Member, Portfolio Committee No. 1 - Premier and Finance 24 Aug 2023 25 Jul 2024 11 months 2 days Artificial intelligence (AI) in New South Wales
About the Electorate

Political Party Activity

Community Activity

Local Government Activity

Military Service

Honours Received


Qualifications, Occupations and Interests

Additional Information