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Member Details


Member Photo
Member of the Legislative Council
Member of The Greens
Term of service expires 58th Parliament (05 Mar 2027)
Contact Details
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Member of the Legislative Council
A Ms Sue Higginson, MLC
Parliament House
Macquarie Street
P (02) 9230 2273
E [email protected]

Parliamentary Activity
Current Positions
Position Start Notes
Member, Joint Standing Committee on Net Zero Future 20 Jun 2024
Substitute Member, Standing Committee on State Development 30 May 2024 Beneficial and productive post-mining land use
Member, Joint Select Committee on the NSW Reconstruction Authority 29 Nov 2023
Member, Committee on the Ombudsman, the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission and the Crime Commission 29 Jun 2023
Member, Legislation Review Committee 29 Jun 2023
Deputy Chair, Portfolio Committee No. 5 - Justice and Communities 06 Jun 2023
Chair, Portfolio Committee No. 7 - Planning and Environment 31 May 2023
Member, Privileges Committee 23 May 2023
Member, Selection of Bills Committee 23 May 2023
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 5 - Justice and Communities 15 May 2023
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 7 - Planning and Environment 15 May 2023
Member, Standing Committee on Law and Justice 15 May 2023
Member of the NSW Legislative Council 12 May 2022 Elected for the balance of the term of service of Mr David Shoebridge
Prior Positions
Position Start End Period Notes
Substitute Member, Privileges Committee 17 Aug 2022 03 Mar 2023 6 months 15 days Special Report from the Public Accountability Committee concerning an unauthorised disclosure of in camera evidence
Chair, Portfolio Committee No. 7 - Planning and Environment 20 Jul 2022 03 Mar 2023 7 months 12 days
Deputy Chair, Portfolio Committee No. 5 - Regional NSW and Stronger Communities 20 Jul 2022 03 Mar 2023 7 months 12 days
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 5 - Regional NSW and Stronger Communities 28 Jun 2022 03 Mar 2023 8 months 4 days
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 7 - Planning and Environment 28 Jun 2022 03 Mar 2023 8 months 4 days
Substitute Member, Standing Committee on Law and Justice 17 Jun 2022 03 Mar 2023 8 months 15 days 2022 Review of the Workers Compensation scheme
About the Electorate

Political Party Activity

Community Activity

Local Government Activity

Military Service

Honours Received


Sue is an environmental law expert and has practiced as a public interest environmental lawyer. She is the former Principal Solicitor and CEO of the Environmental Defenders Office, Australia's leading public interest environmental law centre.


Sue has been responsible for high profile environmental litigation in Australia. She has represented communities challenging mining giants, proponents of environmentally harmful development and holding Governments to account for the environment. She has delivered environmental legal services to rural, remote and regional communities and First Nations communities across NSW.


Sue has operated her own legal practice where in addition to her environmental legal practice, she assisted environmental protestors who came into contact with the criminal justice system as a result of their activities to protect the environment. She has represented hundreds of people in relation to forestry, mining and coal seam gas and climate change protests in courts across Australia.


Sue has lectured and taught environmental law in universities across NSW. She holds a Bachelor of Laws, with First Class Honours and was awarded the University Medal upon graduation.


Sue has sat on a number of Boards of not for profit charitable environmental organisations in Australia where she advised on governance and compliance.


Sue is a farmer, she grows dry land rice, and other crops, with her partner on their farm on the Richmond Floodplain in the Northern Rivers. Central to her farming practice is biodiversity management and conservation. Her farm is home to koalas, where she has planted thousands of trees to try to secure their future.

Qualifications, Occupations and Interests

Additional Information