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Inquiry Details

Prevention of youth suicide in New South Wales

The inquiry was established to inquire into the current approaches aimed at preventing youth suicide in NSW.


In the video below, Committee Chair Ms Melanie Gibbons discusses the Committee's key findings and recommendations:




That the Committee on Children and Young People inquire into and report on the current approaches aimed at preventing youth suicide in New South Wales, with particular reference to:

  1. Any gaps in the coordination and integration of suicide prevention activities and programs across all levels of government
  2. Governance arrangements and accountabilities for suicide prevention
  3. Provision of services in local communities, particularly in regional and rural areas
  4. Provision of services for vulnerable and at-risk groups
  5. Data collection about the incidence of youth suicide and attempted suicide
  6. Provision of high-quality information and training to service providers
  7. Approaches taken by primary and secondary schools
  8. Any other related matters.

The Committee is adopting the definition of ‘young person’ outlined in the Advocate for Children and Young People Act 2014, which is a person who is 12 years of age or above but under 25 years of age.

