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Committee Details

Joint Select Committee on the Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020

This is the Joint Select Committee on the Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020.  



The period for making submissions to this inquiry is now closed. Thank you if you have made a submission to the inquiry. Submissions have now been published. A report on the results of the survey online submission is available here


Terms of Reference

  1. A Joint Select Committee, to be known as the Joint Select Committee on the Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020, be appointed.
  2. That the Committee inquire and report into the Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020, including whether the objectives of the bill are valid and (if so) whether the terms of the bill are appropriate for securing its objectives.
  3. That the Committee, in undertaking (2), have to regard to:       

       (a) Existing rights and legal protections contained in the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) and other relevant NSW and Commonwealth legislation;

       (b) The recommendations relevant to NSW from the Expert Panel Report: Religious Freedom Review (2018);

       (c) The interaction between Commonwealth and NSW anti-discrimination laws and the desirability of consistency between those laws, including  consideration of                    

           (i)   The draft Religious Discrimination Bill 2019 (Cth) which has been released for public consultation, and         

    (ii)  The Australian Law Reform Commission’s reference into the Framework of Religious Exemptions in Anti-discrimination Legislation.


   4. The Committee will consult with key stakeholders as required.  



Amending membership resolution passed by the Legislative Council, 5 August 2020, Votes and Proceedings no. 61, Entry no. 9

Resolution passed by the Legislative Assembly, 18 June 2020, Votes and Proceedings No.56, Entry no.10

Resolution passed by the Legislative Council, 18 June, Votes and Proceedings No.56, Entry no.20

