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Joint Select Committee on Companion Animal Breeding Practices in NSW
This joint select committee was established to inquire into and report on companion animal breeding practices in New South Wales. The report of its inquiry was tabled on 27 August 2015.
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Resolution passed in the Legislative Assembly on 13 May 2015, Votes and Proceedings No 5, Item 3.
Resolution passed in the Legislative Council on 13 May 2015, Minutes No 4, Item 12.
Legislative Assembly 13 May 2015 Votes and Proceedings No 5 Item 3
Legislative Council 13 May 2015 Minutes No 4 Item 12
Resolution passed in the Legislative Assembly on 13 May 2015, Votes and Proceedings No 5, Item 3. Resolution passed in the Legislative Council on 13 May 2015, Minutes No 4, Item 12.
Terms of reference - companion animal breeding practices
13 May 2015
15 Jun 2015
Submissions closed
14 Jul 2015
Hearing - Council Chambers, Sydney
15 Jul 2015
Hearing - Macquarie Room, New South Wales Parliament, Macquarie Street, Sydney
16 Jul 2015
Hearing - Macquarie Room, New South Wales Parliament, Macquarie Street, Sydney
27 Aug 2015
Final Report
26 Feb 2016
Government Response to Final Report
This inquiry is no longer receiving submissions.
No. 2 Mr Peter Cook
No. 3 Mr Phillip Evans
No. 5 Name Suppressed
No. 6 Ms Paula Jacobi
No. 10 Dr Marie Healy
No. 12 Name Suppressed
No. 15 Ms Pat Carmody
No. 16 Ms Patricia Lightfoot
No. 17 Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW
No. 22 Name Suppressed
No. 40 Mrs Joanne Andersen
No. 43 Ms Madeleine Joel
No. 47 Ms Joy Marshall
No. 55 Australian Working Dog Rescue
No. 69 Name Suppressed
No. 90 Ms Barbara Rendell
No. 94 Name Suppressed
No. 99 Dr Katharine Schoeffel
No. 104 Name Suppressed
No. 106 Hunter Animal Watch Inc.
No. 106a Hunter Animal Watch Inc.
No. 108 Ms Paula Rose
No. 109 Name Suppressed
No. 111 Name Suppressed
No. 113 Name Suppressed
No. 114 Name Suppressed
No. 120 PETA Australia
No. 121 Human Society International
No. 132 Name Suppressed
No. 133 Ms Jasmina Moltter
No. 135 Name Suppressed
No. 136 Guide Dogs NSW/ACT
No. 139 Australian Veterinary Association
No. 141 The Cat Protection Society of NSW Inc
No. 143 Holroyd City Council
No. 146 Animal Welfare League Australia
No. 149 Name Suppressed
No. 158 Mrs Paivi Kaukomaa
No. 159 Name Suppressed
No. 161 Voiceless, The Animal Protection Institute
No. 169 Ms Lynda Gordon-Squire
No. 170 Dr Christine Clifton
No. 171 Name Suppressed
No. 173 Dr Peter Coyne
No. 177 Ms Lyn Fowler
No. 180 Mrs Toni Eaves
No. 184 Name Suppressed
No. 186 Mrs Diane Michel
No. 196 Mr Rodney Dearden
No. 197 Name Suppressed
No. 198 Name Suppressed
No. 201 Name Suppressed
No. 205 Mr Frederick Deveney
No. 206 Dr Marie Louise Dreux
No. 209 Ms Naveen Ahluwalia
No. 214 Master Dog Breeders and Associates
No. 216 Name Suppressed
No. 217 Mrs Maree Rogers
No. 222 Friends of the Hound Inc
No. 225 Name Suppressed
No. 226 Dog Rescue Newcastle
No. 227 World Animal Protection
No. 228 National Animal Rescue Groups of Australia (NARGA) Inc
No. 231 Shopping Centre Council of Australia
No. 232 Animal Welfare League, New South Wales
No. 233 Ms Amanda Davis
No. 234 Greens NSW
No. 235 Cr Irene Doutney
No. 236 Australian National Cats Inc
No. 237 Dogs NSW
No. 237a Dogs NSW
No. 238 Name Suppressed
No. 240 Ms Janine Hodge
No. 242 Mr Trent Julien
No. 244 Ms Fiona McCuaig
No. 245 Name Suppressed
No. 246 Miss Ashley Avci
No. 247 Wentworth Shire Council
No. 248 Mrs Amy Mariette BLACKMORE
No. 253 Name Suppressed
No. 254 Name Suppressed
No. 255 Ms Mary Ann Gourlay
No. 256 Name Suppressed
No. 257 Mr Matthew Hams
No. 261 Name Suppressed
No. 264 Just For Pets
No. 265 Name Suppressed
No. 267 Name Suppressed
No. 268 Mr Jeremy Maitland
No. 274 Name Suppressed
No. 276 Name Suppressed
No. 280 Name Suppressed
No. 282 NSW Labor
No. 284 Pets Australia
No. 286 Name Suppressed
No. 287 Animal Liberation NSW
No. 288 Name Suppressed
No. 289 Sentient, The Veterinary Institute for Animal Ethics
No. 291 Ms Diana Wadsworth
No. 292 Mr David Ward
No. 293 Animal Defenders Office
No. 294 Ms Kathryn Woolfe
No. 296 Name Suppressed
No. 297 Dr Robert Zammit
No. 300 Ms Jo Hobson
No. 301 NSW Cat Fanciers Inc.
No. 302 Dr Harry Cooper
No. 303 Pet Industry Association of Australia
No. 304 M/s Jude Costello
No. 305 Ms Sharon Gilkison
No. 306 Inverell Shire Council
No. 307 Ms Lisa Gleeson
No. 309 Armidale Dumaresq Council
No. 310 Name Suppressed
No. 311 PAWS
No. 312
No. 313 Campbelltown City Council
No. 314 The World League for Protection of Animals Inc.
No. 315 Ms Vivien Ward
No. 316 Ms Jain Parsons
No. 318 The Australian Institute of Local Government Rangers Inc.
No. 319 Animals Australia
No. 320 Bathurst Regional Council
No. 321 NSW Government
No. 323 ACT Legislative Assembly
No. 324 Name Suppressed
No. 325 Ms Elizabeth Ellis
No. 332 Name Suppressed
No. 335 Wingecarribee Shire Council
No. 336 Name Suppressed
No. 337 Willoughby City Council
No. 338 NSW Young Lawyers
No. 339 Name Suppressed
No. 341 Australian Federation of Livestock Working Dogs
No. 342 Professor Juliette Goldman
No. 343 Name Suppressed
No. 344 Protect Shoalhaven Dogs
Venue Details
Council Chambers, Sydney
Macquarie Room, New South Wales Parliament, Macquarie Street, Sydney
Macquarie Room, New South Wales Parliament, Macquarie Street, Sydney
Report Name
Tabled Date
Government Response
Companion Animal Breeding Practices in NSW
Government response - companion animal breeding practices in NSW
Report - companion animal breeding practices in NSW
Media Release
Tabling of report - companion animal breeding practices in NSW
Answers to Questions on Notice
Witness responses
Tabled Document
List of tabled submissions and documents Part A
Tabled Document
List of tabled submissions and documents Part B
Media Release
Public hearings scheduled - companion animal breeding practices in NSW
Media Release
Announcement of inquiry - companion animal breeding practices in NSW
David Hale
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9230 2024
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