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Inquiry Details

Proposals to increase voter engagement, participation and confidence

The Committee is inquiring into proposals to increase voter engagement, participation and confidence. This includes reforms to maintain confidence in the integrity of electoral processes; strengthen the security and integrity of the electoral system; reduce barriers to participation; implement options for technology assisted voting; improve systems for political donations, electoral funding and party governance; and amend electoral laws in relation to electoral funding and political parties.

Chair: Primrose, Peter (ALP, LC Member)
Deputy Chair: Borsak, Robert (SFF, LC Member)
Members: Bali, Stephen (ALP, LA Member)
Faehrmann, Cate (GRNS, LC Member)
Hagarty, Nathan (ALP, LA Member)
James, Tim (LIB, LA Member)
Nanva, Bob (ALP, LC Member)
Quinnell, Sally (ALP, LA Member)
Rath, Chris (LIB, LC Member)
Saffin, Janelle (ALP, LA Member)