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Legislative Council 1994-09-15 Cahill Expressway Demolition5296424/11/2016 8:14:34 AM1994-09-15T00:00:00+10:00 Legislative Council false Questions Without Notice Cahill Expressway Demolition 2 Reverend the Hon. F. J. Nile 2054 The Hon. J. P. Hannaford anyone on this side of the House would regard the Prime Minister's offer of $150 million for the demolition of the Cahill Expressway as a smart political ploy at a time when New South Wales has so many other Parliament, Fourth Session (50-4)NILE, Fred F. J.;HANNAFORD, John Planta .Cahill Expressway DemolitionQuestions Without NoticeLegislative Council15/09/1994 10:00:00 AMFalseHansard ExtractHANSARD-1820781676-5585
Legislative Assembly 1994-09-14 Cahill Expressway Demolition63384221/07/2017 2:22:57 AM1994-09-14T00:00:00+10:00 Legislative Assembly false Questions Without Notice Cahill Expressway Demolition 2045 Mr Langton 2015 Mr Fahey In view of his announcement today that he is now opposed to the demolition of the Cahill Expressway, why, on 27 March last year, did he announce the removal of this "longstanding eyesore" as his Parliament, Fourth Session (50-4)LANGTON, Brian Joseph B. J.;FAHEY, John Joseph .Cahill Expressway DemolitionQuestions Without NoticeLegislative Assembly14/09/1994 10:00:00 AMFalseHansard ExtractHANSARD-1323879322-8776
Legislative Assembly 1994-09-14 Cahill Expressway Demolition63408321/07/2017 2:22:53 AM1994-09-14T00:00:00+10:00 Legislative Assembly false Questions Without Notice Cahill Expressway Demolition 8 Mrs Skinner 2015 Mr Fahey I have today written to the Prime Minister to tell him that New South Wales is not prepared to commit $130 million for roadworks associated with pulling down the Cahill Expressway Parliament, Fourth Session (50-4)SKINNER, Jillian Gell J.G.;FAHEY, John Joseph .Cahill Expressway DemolitionQuestions Without NoticeLegislative Assembly14/09/1994 10:00:00 AMFalseHansard ExtractHANSARD-1323879322-8766
Various Versions 146741611/03/2022 2:23:05 AMANNO QUINTO DECIMO GEORGII VI REGIS An Act to make further provisions in respect of the acquisition of lands by local government authorities ; for this purpose to amend the Local Government Act, 1919, as purpose of :— ( a) undertaking— ( i) the planning of new roads and subdivisions ; the rearrangement of existing roads and the replanning or resubdivision of existing parcels of land; the demolition 15 Government (Land Acquisition) Amendment Bill 1951Thirty-Sixth Parliament, Second Session (36-2)CAHILL, John Joseph .Bills Document
Mr (Richard) Richard Denis Meagher2497915/03/2016 12:41:13 PMMr Richard Denis MEAGHER (1866 - 1931 Date of Birth: 11/01/1866 Place of Birth: Bathurst, New South Wales , Australia Date of Death: 17/09/1931 Place of Death: Lewisham, New South Wales, Australia Parliamentary Service Member of the NSW Legislative Council 17 Jul 1917 23 Feb 1920 2 years 7 months 7 days Life Appointment under 13
Votes - 38th Parliament 1956-578479044/03/2016 4:33:12 AMSECOND SESSION OF THE THIRTY-EIGHTH PARLIAMENT The Clerk, by direction of Mr. Speaker, read a copy of the said Proclamation, as follows "Given under my Hand and Seal, at Sydney, this ninth day of May, in the • "year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six, and in the '6f th year of Her Majesty's Reign GIANCE: —Mr. Speaker reported that His Excellency the Governor had been pleased to 47 Document
Votes - 36th Parliament 1950-51-528479764/03/2016 4:32:46 AMSECOND SESSION OF THE ifilktY-Sthil *PARLIAMENT The Clerk, by direction of Mr. Speaker, read a copy of the said Proclamation, as follows "By Deputation from, "His Excellency "the Governor "Given under my Hand and Seal, at Sydney, this twenty-third day of "August, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and "fifty, and in the fourteenth year of His Majesty's Reign 45 Document
Sessional Papers - 38th Parliament 1956-578481794/03/2016 3:57:38 AMWAYS AND MEANS (Stamp Duties (Amendment Mr: Fred Cahill Mr. Hawkins Mr. Robertson Cahill Mr. Heffron Mr. J. H. Robson Mr. Coady Mr. Rex Jackson Mr. T. V. Ryan Mr. Connor Mr. R. J. Kelly Mr. Seiffert Mr. Crook Mr. McGrath Mr. Simpson Mr. Downing Mr. McMahon Mr. Sloss Mr. Earl Mr. Maher Mr. L. J. Tully Mr. Enticknap Mr. Malian, Mr. Wattison My Cahill Mr. Cahill Mr. Campbell 43 Document
Sessional Papers - 27th Parliament 1925-268481024/03/2016 3:41:49 AMClause 1 having been dealt with Clause 2. (1) Sentence of death shall not be passed upon or recorded against any person for ao y Al on of crime for which if this Act had not passed he would be liable under any Act or Imperial co Ptossmeor Act in force in this State to suffer "death Mr. Drummond, Mr. Cahill, Mr. Menernan Mr. Cahill, Mr. McClelland Mr. Frank Burke, Mr. Michael Burke, Mr. Cahill 45 Document
0230 Mr Peter Egan8162887/07/2021 12:24:40 AMINQUIRY INTO IMPACT OF THE WESTERN HARBOUR TUNNEL AND BEACHES LINK Submission to Public Works Committee Inquiry WHT-BL-WF 18 June 2021 – Peter Egan Submission by Peter Egan to Response to the terms of reference Business cases are prepared for the selected project Projects are nominally based on material included in future transport documents The current document being Future Transport 2056 21 Submission Document
Votes - 29th Parliament 1928-298480464/03/2016 4:30:30 AMTHIRD SESSION OF THE TWENTY-EIGHTH PARLIAMENT The Clerk, by direction of Mr. Speaker, read a copy of the said Proclamation, as follows " WHEREAS the Parliament of New South \\Isles now stands prorogued to Tues " Honorable Gentlemen of the Legislative Council, and Gentlemen of the Legis" lative Assembly "His Excellenc3- the Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased to cause a Coin 69 Document
Legislative Council 1960-11-1752401123/07/2016 4:03:06 AMThe aim of the de­ sired demolition control is to avoid any unnecessary demolition of habitable residen­ tial buildings in times of housing difficul­ ties, and for that reason any exceptions from that In that case the council refused a development application, for the .published reason that the demolition of a dwelling-house which would have been in­ volved was not in the public interest Parliament, Third Session (39-3)Legislative Council17/11/1960 11:00:00 AMSearchable Daily PDFHANSARD-290296563-9280
1954-55.pdf1291821/08/2015 12:15:50 AML~gislatur.e of New South Wales: Governor Lieutenant-Governor Members of the Legislative Assembly [ndex: to Subjects iii iii v vii ix: xlv His Excellency LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR JOHN NorurHcOTT, Knight THE, CAHILL MINISTRY: Premier and Colonial Treasurer THE HON. JOHN JOSEPH CAHILL, M.L.A. · Deputy Premier and Cahill, Tl1e Honourable Cedric Alan Francis ( lc) Cahill, 'l'he Honourable Cyril Joseph 44 Document
1955-56.pdf1291921/08/2015 12:16:26 AMLegislature of New South Wales: Governor Lieutenant-Governor The Cahill Ministry Members of the Legislative Council Members of the Legislative Assembly Index to Subjects Index THE CAHILL MINISTRY: Premier and Colonial Treasurer JOHN JOSEPH CAHILL, M.L.A. Deputy Premier and Minister for Education Cahill, The Honourable Cedric Alan Francis Cahill, The Honourable Cyril Joseph Cahill, James Ed,~ard; .Esq 29 Document
1937-38.pdf1296821/08/2015 12:56:43 AMLegislature of New South Wales: Governor Members of the Legislative Council Members of the Legisla.tive Assembly lndBx to Subjects Index to Speeches His Excelle1icy the' Right Honourable JOHN DE VERE, BARON WAKEH.URS'l', Knight Com­ =~der of the Most Distinguished, Order of St. Michael ancT St. Geo·rge, Captain iw the Reserve of Officers of the Ter1-itorial Army, Governo1· of Cahill, John Joseph, Esq 41 Document
1953-54.pdf1291621/08/2015 12:10:40 AMr. I iAgislatlll"eof New South Wales: Governor Lieutenant-Governor Members of the Legislative Assembly index: to Subjects Debates (Volumes V to VII) .Prctrogation iii iii iii· v vii ix -·XXX THE CAHILL MINISTRY: Premier and Colonial Treasurer (also Minister for Transport} THE HON JOHN JOSEPH CAHILL M LA frOm 7th September, 1953, to 16th September, 1953 Cahill, The Honourable Cyril Joseph 49 Document
Legislative Assembly 1993-10-12 Cahill Expressway Site Development55405418/11/2016 10:58:46 AMWill the Minister provide the House with detailed costings of its demolition, the rerouting of the expressway and the railway, and the refurbishment of the site The Minister for Transport has the I am sure everyone will agree that although at the time of the construction of the Cahill Expressway it may have been regarded as a transport breakthrough, it is now an eyesore at the gateway to the Parliament, Third Session (50-3)LANGTON, Brian Joseph B. J.;BAIRD, Bruce George .Cahill Expressway Site DevelopmentQuestions Without NoticeLegislative Assembly12/10/1993 10:00:00 AMFalseHansard ExtractHANSARD-1323879322-6362
1960-611280620/08/2015 11:55:45 PMDebates Prorogation Legislature of New South Wales Index to Subjects Index to Speeches b CONTENTS pp. 1 to 3281 3283 pp. iii to vii pp. ix to 1i Jii to cxix _} iii LEGISLATURE OF NEW SOUTH WALES Budd, The Honourable Harry Vincent (d). Cahill, The Honourable Cedric Alan Franci~ (f). Cahill, The Honourable Cyril Joseph (f). Carter, The Honourable John Markham, C.B.E., M.C. Clayton, Colonel the 46 Document
1959-601280520/08/2015 11:55:19 PMCONTENTS Debates Prorogation .Addendum-Joint Sitting of Members of the Legislative Council and Members of the Legislative Assembly Legislature of New South Wales Index to Subjects Index THE CAHILL MINISTRY: Premier and Colonial Treasurer (a THE HON. JOHN JOSEPH CAHill, M.L.A. THE HON. ROBERT JAMES HEFFRON, M.L.A. TilE HoN Cahill, The Honourable Cedric Alan Francis Cahill, The Honourable Cyril Joseph 42 Document
Various Versions 146710822/04/2022 8:27:25 AMAn Act to make further provision in relation to wharf age, harbour and tonnage rates ; for this and other purposes to amend the Sydney Harbour Trust Act, 1900, the Sydney Harbour Rates Act, 1904, the Harbour and Tonnage Rates Act, 1920, the Navigation Act, 1901, the Maritime Services Act, 1935, and certain other Acts in certain respects ; and for purposes connected therewith B E it enacted by the 13 Services (Amendment) Bill 1953Thirty-Seventh Parliament, Second Session (37-2)CAHILL, John Joseph .Bills Document
1957-58.pdf1292221/08/2015 12:05:16 AMLegislature of New South Wales: Governor Lieutenant-Governor The Cahill Ministry pp. 1 to 3273 p. 3274 i jj LEGISLATURE State of New South Wales and its Dependencies, in the Common-wealth of Australia_ THE CAHILL MINISTRY: Premier and Colonial Treasurer Deputy Premier and Minister for Education (also Acting Premier and (h) Cahill, The Honourable Cedric Alan Francis Cahill, The Honourable Cyril Joseph 51 Document
Various Versions 147021418/05/2022 9:45:58 PMThis PUBLIC BILL originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, and, having this day passed, is now ready for presentation to the LEGISLATWE COUNCIL for its concurrence D. L. WHEELER, for Clerk of the Legislative Assembly getv 6outti alto ,may i s ANNO VICESIMO SEXTO ELIZABETHIE H REGIME An Act to provide for the development of a lake on Georges River near Chipping Norton BE 28326 62—A Act No. , 1977 6 Norton Lake Authority Bill 1977Forty-Fifth Parliament, Second Session (45-2)FERGUSON, Jack .Bills Document
Various Versions 147061527/04/2022 4:36:02 AMThis PUBLIC BILL originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, and, having this day passed, is now ready for presentation to the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL for its concurrence R. E. WARD, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly feu fooutb Wilatet4 ANNO VIC ESI MO QUINTO ELIZABETH/F. II REGINA An Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and certain other Funds, sums for the ordinary annual services of 8 Bill 1976Forty-Fifth Parliament, Second Session (45-2)RENSHAW, John .Bills Document
Second Print43426118/06/2012 5:43:06 AMContents Page New South Wales City of Sydney Amendment (Central Sydney Traffic and Transport Committee) Bill 2012 Second print 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 Schedule 1 Amendment of City of Sydney Act 1988 No 48 3This public bill which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has passed and is now ready for presentation to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Clerk of the Legislative 8 of Sydney Amendment (Central Sydney Traffic and Transport Committee) Bill 2012Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)O'FARRELL, Barry Robert B.R.;GALLACHER, Michael Joseph M. J.Bills DocumentNSDEXZTYTW35-431438744-14525
1938-40.pdf1297021/08/2015 12:52:37 AMLegislature of New South Wales: Governor Lieutenant-Governor The Stevens Ministry The Mair Ministry Members of· the Legislative Council Members of the Legislative Assembly Index to Subjects Index to Speeches Debates (Volumes clv to clxi iii iii iii i.v v vii ix lxxxvii GOVE·RNOR: (:Sworn 8th April, l93.7.) His Excellency the Right Honourable JOHN DE VERE, BARON WAKEHURST, Knight Com­ mander .of the 59 Document
19711281820/08/2015 5:59:56 AMp. 899 Legislature of New South Wales PP· ii to viii Index to Subjects pp. ix to xxiv Index to Speeches the M1Jst Venerable·Orde~ of St John of Cahill, The Honourable Cedric Alan Francis, Aust Ad., F.R.LP.A. Cahill, The Honourable Cyril Joseph Alam, The Honourable Anthony Alexander Cahill, The Honourable fames Edward Barron, The Honourable Evelyn Calabro, The Honour-able Francesco Bowen, The 32 Document
1956-57.pdf1292121/08/2015 12:02:29 AMLegislature of New South Wales: Governor Lieutenant-Governor The· Cahill Ministry MemLers of the Legislative Council Members of the Legislative Assembly Index to Subjects iii iii .v vii ix lvii pp. 1 to THE CAHILL MINISTRY: Premier and Colonial Treasurer JOHN JosEPH CAHILL, M.L.A. Deputy Premier and Minister for Education Cahill, The Honourable Cedric Alan Francis cahill, The Honourable Cyril Joseph 49 Document
Sessional Papers - 43rd Parliament 1972-738481174/03/2016 3:59:13 AMClauses 1 and 2 having been dealt with Question proposed—That the clause, as read, stand part of the Bill Motion made (Mr Day) in page 2, leave out lines 16 to 18 Mr Booth moved, That the Question be now put Mr Booth Mr Coady MrCox Mr Crabtree Mr Day Mr Degen Mr Dudek Mr L B. Kelly Mr K. J Mr Paciullo Mr Cahill Mr Flaherty Mr Neilly Mr Cahill Mr Bannon Mr Barnier Mr Booth Mr Cahill Mr Coady Mr Cox 47 Document
Various Versions 14674438/03/2022 8:17:46 PMThis PUBLIC BILL originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, and, having this day passed, is now ready for presentation to the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL for its concurrence ALLAN PICKERING, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Pau poutb Wales ANNO SEXT() ELIZABETH/E II REGINA An Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and certain other Funds, sums to make good the supplies granted for the 6 Bill 1957Thirty-Eigth Parliament, Third Session (38-3)CAHILL, John Joseph .Bills Document
Various Versions 146792422/04/2022 7:52:37 AMAn Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and certain other Funds, sums to make good the supplies granted for the ordinary annual services of the Government for the year commencing on the first day of July, 1953, and ending on the thirtieth day of June, 1954, both dates inclusive, and for charges supplementary or "Unauthorised in Suspense" from certain Funds for the year from 6 Bill 1953Thirty-Seventh Parliament, Second Session (37-2)CAHILL, John Joseph .Bills Document
Various Versions 14679237/03/2022 10:05:26 PMThis PUBLIC Buz originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, and, having this day passed, is now ready for presentation to the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL for its concurrence H. ROBBINS, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Pau *cattli Klate5 ANNO QUARTO tBETHIE H REGINA An Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and certain other Funds, sums to make good the supplies granted for the ordinary 6 Bill 1955Thirty-Seventh Parliament, Fifth Session (37-5)CAHILL, John Joseph .Bills Document
Various Versions 146831114/04/2022 1:00:17 AMgap ,epoiatij WE1MM ANNO PRDIO ELIZABETH E II REGINIE An Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and certain other Funds, sums to make good the supplies granted for the ordinary annual services of the Government for the year commencing on the first day of July, 1952, and ending on the thirtieth day of June, 1953, both dates inclusive, and for charges supplementary or "Unauthorised 9 Bill 1952Thirty-Sixth Parliament, Third Session (36-3)CAHILL, John Joseph .Bills Document
Various Versions 14674457/03/2022 12:34:47 AMThis PUBLIC BILL originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, and, having this day passed, is now ready for presentation to the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL for its concurrence ALLAN PICKERING, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly W HEREAS we Your Majesty's most dutiful and Preamble SUPPLEMENT TO SCHEDULES TO THE CONSTITUTION ACT :—THE sum of Three thousand and eighty-seven pounds for Supplement to Schedules, as 9 Bill 1956Thirty-Eigth Parliament, Second Session (38-2)CAHILL, John Joseph .Bills Document
Votes - 47th Parliament 1981-828483314/03/2016 4:35:30 AMFIRST SESSION OF THE FORTY-SEVENTH PARLIAMENT L. Wheeler, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, as follows By His Excellency Air Marshal Sir JAMES ANTHONY "NEW SOUTH WALES ROWLAND, Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, upon whom has been TO WIT conferred the decorations of the Distinguished Flying "J. A ROWLAND, Cross and the Air Force Cross, Knight Cahill, Thomas James 35 Document
Conference Proceedings 18 February 1997 - Inquiry 12462626/05/2018 8:24:24 AMNo. 413 PARLIAMENT OF NEW SOUTH WALES, LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL STANDING COMMITTEE ON LAW & JUSTICE PROCEEDINGS OF THE PUBLIC SEMINAR ON WORKPLACE SAFETY 18 FEBRUARY 1997 ORDERED TO BE PRINTED 12 MARCH 1997 ACCORDING TO RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSE REPORT NO. 4 MARCH 1997Contact Details Members of the Standing Committee on Law and Justice can be contacted through the Committee Secretariat 32, David D. J.;CLARKE, David John D. J.;VOLTZ, Lynda Jane L.;VOLTZ, Lynda L.;TAYLOR, Bronnie B.;TAYLOR, Bronwyn B.;MALLARD, Maxwell Shayne M.S.;MALLARD, Shayne M.S.;KHAN, Trevor John T.;WARD, Natalie N. P.;WARD, Natalie Peta N. P.Committee Report Document
Various Versions 146793419/04/2022 9:28:42 PMAn Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and certain other Funds, sums to make good the supplies granted for the ordinary annual services of the Government for the year commencing on the first day of July, 1954, and ending on the thirtieth day of June, 1955, both dates inclusive, and for charges supplementary or "Unauthorised in Suspense" from certain Funds for the year from 12 Bill 1954Thirty-Seventh Parliament, Fourth Session (37-4)CAHILL, John Joseph .Bills Document
Index - 36th Parliament 1950-51-528477604/03/2016 3:32:15 AMWITH THE VARIOUS DOCUMENTS CONNECTED THEREWITH (SECOND SESSION OF THE THIRTY-SIXTH PARLIAMENT [Opened 12th September, 1950—Prorogued 30tk April, 1952 Business undisposed of at the close of the Session Attendances of Members in Divisions and Counts-out and Record or Pairs 411 Standing and Select Committees appointed during the Session Weekly Reports of Divisions in Committee of the Whole, Nos 44 Document
1950-52.pdf1291321/08/2015 12:21:21 AMLegislature! of New South Wa.les: Governor Lieutenant-Governor Members of the Legislative Assembly· Index to Subjects Index to Speeches Debates JAMES McGIRR, M.L.A. Dcpi1ty Premier, Secretary for Public Works and Minister~·THE RON Jo N JOSEPH CAHILL M LA· ' tor J .. ocal Government THE HON. JOHN BROPHY RENSHAW, 1\I.L.A. THE CAHILL MINISTRY: (As from 3rd April, 1952 Cahill, The Honourable Cyril Joseph 53 Document
1948-50.pdf1291121/08/2015 12:23:12 AM!Legisia.ture of New South Wales: Governor Li.eutenant-Governor Index to Subjects Index to Speeches "Debates (Vol iii v vii .ix Ixix pp. 1 to 6644 p. 6641 LEGISLATURE OF NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNOR: (Sworn lst August, 1946 New South Wale& and its Dependenc~es, in the JAMES l\icGmR, M.L.A. Deputy-Premier, Secretary for Public Works and l\Iinister}THE HoN JOHN JOSEPH CAHILL l\1 LA for Local Government 101 Document
Votes - 39th Parliament 1959-608479084/03/2016 4:33:25 AM5. MINISTERIAL ARRANGEMENTS:—Mr. Cahill informed the House that in accordance with the provisions of Section 36 of the Constitution Act, His Excellency the Governor had authorised the Honourable P. D 8 Pro forma BILL—LAW OF EVIDENCE BILL:—Mr. Cahill presented a Bill, intituled "A Bill to amend the law of evidence," and moved, pro forma 43 Document
Various Versions 146770913/04/2022 1:30:41 AMThis PUBLIC BILL originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, and, having this day passed, is now ready for presentation to the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL for its concurrence H. ROBBINS, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly ANNO UNDECIMO G tG1 I VI REGIS An Act to unite the City of Sydney and certain areas and to constitute the united area as a city ; to unite certain other areas or areas and parts of areas and to 8 Government (Areas) Bill 1947Thirty-Fifth Parliament, Second Session (35-2)CAHILL, John Joseph .Bills Document
1947-48.pdf1291021/08/2015 12:22:57 AMr Legislature of New South Wales: Governor Lieutenant-Governor Members of the Legislative Assembly Index to Subjects Index to Speeches Debates {Volume olxxxv) Prorogation ix: xiv pp. 1 to 37:14 p. 3715 LEGISLATURE OF NEW SOUTH WALES Iii His Excellency LmUTENANT-GENERAL JoHN NoRTHCOTT, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Member JoHN JosEPH CAHILL M.L.A. Local Government 47 Document
1928-29.pdf1303221/08/2015 1:12:14 AMCONTENTS Governor Lieutenant-Governor The B;win :\:Iinistry ;\!embers of the Legi"lati1·o Connell Members of the Legislati1·o Assembly Index to Subjects ln<1cx to Speeches I' AGE, v y y vh ix xi li LEGfSLATURE OF NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNOR: (From 2 Februo,ry, 1924,) His Exc;llency Sir DUDLEY RAWSON STRATFORD DE CHAm, Admiral in the R£yal Navy, K~tight Comma1tde1· of the Most Honourable Orde1· of the 43 Document
1967-681281420/08/2015 11:46:09 PMDebates Dissolution Legislature of New South Wales Index to Subjects Index to Speeches CONTENTS pp. l to 4442 4443 pp. iii to viii ]pp. ix to lv Jpp lvii to cxxii iii LEGISLATURE OF NEW SOUTII WALES GOVERNOR: (Sworn 20th January, 1966 His Excellency Sir ARTHUR RODEN CuTLER, upon Cahill, The Honourable Cedric Alan Francis, Q.C. Cahill, The Honourable Cyril Joseph Cahill, The Honourable James Edward 38 Document
Votes - 47th Parliament 1982-838483334/03/2016 4:35:39 AMTHIRD SESSION OF THE FORTY-SEVENTH PARLIAMENT The Clerk, by direction of Mr Speaker, read a copy of the said Proclamation, as follows "Given under my Hand and Seal, at Sydney, this fourth day of August "in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two, and in "the thirty-first year of Her Majesty's Reign VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 17 August, 1982 34 Document
1976-78 Index.pdf127565/08/2010 5:16:32 AMINDEX PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES ( HANSARD ) 24th August, 1976, to 4th April, 1978 INDEX TO SUBJECTS Explanation of Abbreviations: address, Address in Reply; adj Motion for Adjournment; ad. rep., Adoption of Report; appn, Appropriation Bill; Com., Committee; cons Introduction; loan appn, General Loan Account Appropriation Bill; m., Motion; rnes CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES (T. J. CAHILL, ESQ 64 Document
Hearing No 2 - 20 Nov 0610793021/11/2006 6:38:54 AMGENERAL PURPOSE STANDING COMMITTEE No. 4 The Hon. J. A. Gardiner (Chair On Friday we heard from a number of witnesses, including members of the Building Action Review Group, who informed the Committee of their personal experiences with the home building industry Before we commence I shall make some comments about aspects of the Committee's inquiry The inquiry terms of reference require the Committee 13, David D. J.;CLARKE, David John D. J.;VOLTZ, Lynda Jane L.;VOLTZ, Lynda L.;MOSELMANE, Shaoquett Chaher S.;MOSELMANE, Shaoquett S.;TAYLOR, Bronnie B.;TAYLOR, Bronwyn B.;MALLARD, Maxwell Shayne M.S.;MALLARD, Shayne M.S.;KHAN, Trevor John T.;CUSACK, Catherine C. E.;CUSACK, Catherine Eileen C. E.Committee Transcript Document
1944-45.pdf1297721/08/2015 12:24:39 AMi ' Legislature of New South Wa.les: Governor Lieutenant-Governor The ~:foKell ~Iinistry CONTENTS nembers of the Legislative Council !\[embers of the Legislative Assembly Index to Subjects Index to Speeches Debates (Volumes clxxv to clxxvii) Prorogation iii iii iii vii Xli:XiX pp 1-290~ p. 290;1 / LEGISLATURE OF NEW SOUTH WALES JoHN JoSEPH CAHILL, l\LL, .A. Local Government 9. Cahill, The Ron 44 Document
Votes - 45th Parliament 1976-788478484/03/2016 4:35:01 AMSECOND SESSION OF THE FORTY-FIFTH PARLIAMENT The House met at 12 o'clock at noon, pursuant to a Proclamation of His Excellency the Governor, bearing date the twenty-third day of June, 1976 The Clerk, by direction of Mr Speaker, read a copy of the said Proclamation, as follows By His Excellency Sir ARTHUR RODE/g CUTLER, upon whom has been conferred the decoration of the Victoria Cross, Knight 34 Document