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Member Details

Mr Jason Yat-Sen LI, MP

Member Photo
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member for Strathfield
Assistant Speaker
Member of the Australian Labor Party
Contact Details
To ensure the speediest handling of messages, please select the correct address.
Strathfield Electorate Office
A Mr Jason Li, MP
Shops 2 and 3
35AA Burwood Road
P (02) 9747 1711
F (02) 9747 6054
E [email protected]

Parliamentary Activity
Current Positions
Position Start Notes
Chair, Public Accounts Committee 28 Jun 2023
Chair, Committee on the Independent Commission Against Corruption 22 Jun 2023
Member, Public Accounts Committee 22 Jun 2023
Member, Legislative Assembly Select Committee on the Residential Tenancies Amendment (Rental Fairness) Bill 2023 23 May 2023
Member, Standing Committee on Parliamentary Privilege and Ethics 10 May 2023
Assistant Speaker 09 May 2023
Member for Strathfield 12 Feb 2022
Member of the NSW Legislative Assembly 12 Feb 2022
About the Strathfield Electorate

Includes partially or wholly the following localities and postcodes.

Localities: Ashbury, Ashfield, Belfield, Burwood, Burwood Heights, Campsie, Croydon, Croydon Park, Enfield, Homebush, Homebush West, Strathfield, Strathfield South.

Postcodes: 2131, 2132, 2133, 2134, 2135, 2136, 2140, 2191, 2193, 2194

Area: 22.7211 square kilometres

Enrolment: 56,590

Political Party Activity

2022 to present, Member, Australian Labor Party

Community Activity

Local Government Activity

Military Service

Honours Received

Hauser Global Fellow, New York University, 1999

Eisenhower Fellowship, Eisenhower Fellowships, 2002

Young Global Leader, World Economic Forum, 2009


Qualifications, Occupations and Interests


Master of Laws, New York University, 2000

Bachelor of Arts (Hons); Bachelor of Laws (Hons), University of Sydney, 1996

Additional Information