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Member Details

The Hon. Anthony D'ADAM, MLC

Member Photo
Member of the Legislative Council
Member of the Australian Labor Party
Term of service expires 58th Parliament (05 Mar 2027)
Contact Details
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Member of the Legislative Council
A The Hon. Anthony D'Adam, MLC
Parliament House
Macquarie Street
P (02) 9230 2260
E [email protected]

Parliamentary Activity
Current Positions
Position Start Notes
Member, Joint Select Committee on Arts and Music Education and Training in New South Wales 15 May 2024
Member, Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety 29 Jun 2023
Member, Select Committee on Birth Trauma 28 Jun 2023
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 3 - Education 17 May 2023
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 6 - Transport and the Arts 17 May 2023
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 7 - Planning and Environment 17 May 2023
Member, Standing Committee on Law and Justice 17 May 2023
Member, Standing Committee on Social Issues 17 May 2023
Member of the NSW Legislative Council 23 Mar 2019
Prior Positions
Position Start End Period Notes
Parliamentary Secretary for Customer Service and Digital Government 01 May 2023 16 May 2024 1 year 16 days
Parliamentary Secretary for Emergency Services 01 May 2023 16 May 2024 1 year 16 days
Parliamentary Secretary for Youth Justice 01 May 2023 16 May 2024 1 year 16 days
Deputy Chair, Select Committee on Barangaroo sight lines 10 Aug 2022 17 Feb 2023 6 months 8 days
Substitute Member, Public Accountability Committee 01 Oct 2021 25 Feb 2022 4 months 26 days Further inquiry into the regulation of building standards
Member, Legislation Review Committee 05 Aug 2020 18 Nov 2020 3 months 14 days
Member, Selection of Bills Committee 24 Jul 2020 03 Mar 2023 2 years 7 months 8 days
Substitute Member, Portfolio Committee No. 6 - Transport and the Arts 12 Nov 2019 09 Apr 2020 4 months 29 days Sydenham-Bankstown Line conversion
Deputy Opposition Whip in the Legislative Council 02 Jul 2019 28 Mar 2023 3 years 8 months 27 days
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 3 - Education 15 May 2019 03 Mar 2023 3 years 9 months 17 days
Member, Standing Committee on Law and Justice 15 May 2019 03 Mar 2023 3 years 9 months 17 days
About the Electorate

Political Party Activity

Prior to entering parliament Mr D’Adam was a member of the Administrative Committee of the NSW Branch of the Australian Labor Party from 2007-2019. He has also been a member of the party’s Finance Committee and Deputy Chair of the Prosperity and Fairness at Work Policy Committee. He is currently a member of its Rules Committee, the Secretary of the Auburn State Electorate Council and the President of the Party’s Auburn Lidcombe United Branch.  


Mr D'Adam was manager of the Labor party’s campaign for the state seat of Auburn in the 2019 State election, a position that he undertook in a voluntary capacity as a local party member.

Community Activity

Local Government Activity

Military Service

Honours Received


Mr D’Adam has a partner and three children.

Qualifications, Occupations and Interests

Mr D’Adam holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Sydney.  


Prior to his election, Mr D’Adam worked in various industrial and policy roles within the Australian Union Movement. In 1997 he worked as a Forest Liaison Officer during the Carr Government’s Forest Industry Structural Adjustment Package. He was responsible for assisting displaced timber workers affected by the significant structural changes then occurring in the NSW forestry industry. Following this, Mr D’Adam worked for the Forestry division of the CFMEU as an Industrial Officer.   


In 1999 he left the CFMEU to take up an organiser position at the Public Service Association. Mr D’Adam remained at the PSA for 17 years as an Industrial Officer and later the Director of Strategy and Policy.  


In 2017 Mr D’Adam became the director of Industrial Advocacy and Advice at the Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance.  


Mr D’Adam’s areas of policy interest include work health and safety, education, community engagement, employment law and worker’s rights.

Additional Information

Video of first speech