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Member Details

The Hon. Patricia Jane STAUNTON, A.M., R.N., LL.B. (Lon.)

Member Photo
Date of Birth: 30/11/1946
Place of Birth: Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Date of Death:
Place of Death:
Parliamentary Service
Position Start End Period Notes
Member of the NSW Legislative Council 25 Mar 1995 02 Sep 1997 2 years 5 months 9 days A Member of the directly elected Legislative Council. Date of Election 25 March 1995.
Political Party Activity
Australian Labor Party (ALP). Member of Erskineville Branch from 1995. Member of Australian Labor Party, Head Office from 1982-1995.
Community Activity
Member of Executive Committee of Evatt Foundation. Member of Australia-Japan Foundation. Member of National Health and Medical Council. Director of Health Employees Superannuation Trust of Australia; Director of the New South Wales State Authorities Superannuation Board. Former Federal President of Australian Nursing Federation: 1991-1995. Vice-President of Australian Council of Trade Unions in 1990.
Qualifications, occupations and interests
Lawyer (Barrister). Magistrate. Registered nurse qualified in general nursing, midwifery and intensive care (R. N.); a nurse at the Townsville General Hospital, the Royal Hospital for Women (Paddington, Sydney) and St. Vincent's Hospital (Sydney), 1963 - 1969. Bachelor of Laws (LL.B), University of London; admitted to the Supreme Court of New South Wales as a barrister in 1976; in private practice, 1976 - 1980. Elected head of Union of the New South Wales Nurses Association having held following positions in the Association: Legal Officer: 1980 - 1985; Assistant General Secretary, 1985 - 1987; General Secretary, 1987 - 1995. Author of "Nursing and the Law". Appointed as Chief Magistrate in 1999. Leisure activities include reading and walking.
Military Service
Honours Received
Member of Order of Australia (AO) for services to nursing.
Membership of other Parliaments & Offices Held
Local Government Activity
Alderman of the Sydney City Council 1 January 1989 - 1913 September 1991.Member of the Finance Committee 1989 - 1990; the Community Services Committee 1989 - 1990; and the Industrial Relations Committee 1989 - 1990.
Additional Information