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Member Details

Mr (Richie) Richard James WILLIAMSON, MP

Member Photo
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member for Clarence
The Nationals Whip
Member of The Nationals
Contact Details
To ensure the speediest handling of messages, please select the correct address.
Clarence Electorate Office
A Mr Richie Williamson, MP
11 Prince Street
P (02) 6643 1244
F (02) 6642 7574
E [email protected]

Parliamentary Activity
Current Positions
Position Start Notes
The Nationals Whip 20 Jun 2024
Member, Joint Select Committee on the NSW Reconstruction Authority 29 Nov 2023
Member, Legislative Assembly Committee on Investment, Industry and Regional Development 22 Jun 2023
Member for Clarence 25 Mar 2023
Member of the NSW Legislative Assembly 25 Mar 2023
About the Clarence Electorate

Includes partially or wholly the following localities and postcodes. 

Localities: Alice, Alumy Creek, Angourie, Ashby, Ashby Heights, Ashby Island, Backmede, Banyabba, Barretts Creek, Baryulgil, Bentley, Billys Creek, Blaxlands Creek, Bora Ridge, Braunstone, Broadwater, Brooms Head, Brushgrove, Buccarumbi, Bulldog, Bungawalbin, Busbys Flat, Calamia, Calliope, Camira, Cangai, Carnham, Carrs Creek, Carrs Island, Carrs Peninsula, Casino, Chambigne, Chatsworth, Clarenza, Clearfield, Clifden, Clovass, Coaldale, Codrington, Coldstream, Coombadjha, Coombell, Coongbar, Copmanhurst, Coraki, Coutts Crossing, Cowper, Dalmorton, Deep Creek, Diggers Camp, Dilkoon, Dirty Creek, Dobies Bight, Doonbah, Dundurrabin, East Coraki, Eatonsville, Edenville, Eighteen Mile, Elland, Ellangowan, Evans Head, Ewingar, Fairy Hill, Fine Flower, Fortis Creek, Gibberagee, Gilletts Ridge, Glenreagh, Glenugie, Goodwood Island, Grafton, Great Marlow, Greenridge, Gulmarrad, Gurranang, Halfway Creek, Harwood, Heifer Station, Hernani, Hogarth Range, Horse Ridges, Ilarwill, Iluka, Irvington, Jackadgery, Jacky Bulbin, Jacky Bulbin Flat, James Creek, Junction Hill, Kangaroo Creek, Keybarbin, Kippenduff, Koolkhan, Kremnos, Kungala, Kyarran, Lanitza, Lavadia, Lawrence, Leeville, Levenstrath, Lilydale, Lionsville, Louisa Creek, Lower Southgate, Maclean, Malabugilmah, Marengo, McKees Hill, Micalo Island, Minnie Water, Moleville Creek, Mongogarie, Mookima Wybra, Moonpar, Mororo, Mount Marsh, Mountain View, Mylneford, Myrtle Creek, Nana Glen, Naughtons Gap, New Italy, Newbold, Newton Boyd, North Casino, North Woodburn, Nymboida, Palmers Channel, Palmers Island, Pikapene, Pillar Valley, Piora, Pulganbar, Punchbowl, Ramornie, Rappville, Rileys Hill, Rushforth, Sandon, Sandy Crossing, Seelands, Shannon Brook, Shannondale, Shark Creek, Sherwood, Six Mile Swamp, Smiths Creek, South Arm, South Grafton, Southampton, Southgate, Spring Grove, Stockyard Creek, Stratheden, Swan Bay, Swan Creek, Tabbimoble, Taloumbi, Tatham, The Freshwater, The Gap, The Pinnacles, The Sandon, The Whiteman, Tomki, Townsend, Trenayr, Trustums Hill, Tucabia, Tullymorgan, Tyndale, Tyringham, Ulmarra, Upper Copmanhurst, Upper Corindi, Upper Fine Flower, Warragai Creek, Warregah Island, Waterview, Waterview Heights, Wells Crossing, West Bungawalbin, Whiporie, Whiteman Creek, Winegrove, Wombat Creek, Woodburn, Woodford Island, Woodview, Woody Head, Wooli, Wooloweyah, Woombah, Wyan, Yamba, Yorklea. 

Postcodes: 2370, 2450, 2453, 2456, 2460, 2462, 2463, 2464, 2465, 2466, 2469, 2470, 2471, 2472, 2473, 2480

Area: 13492.86 square kilometres

Enrolment: 57,016

Political Party Activity

Community Activity

Local Government Activity

Military Service

Honours Received


Qualifications, Occupations and Interests

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