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Member Details

The Hon. Mark Robert BUTTIGIEG, BA BEc(Hons) MLC

Member Photo
Member of the Legislative Council
Parliamentary Secretary for Industrial Relations, Parliamentary Secretary for Work Health and Safety, and Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism
Member of the Australian Labor Party
Term of service expires 58th Parliament (05 Mar 2027)
Contact Details
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Member of the Legislative Council
A The Hon. Mark Buttigieg, MLC
Parliament House
Macquarie Street
P (02) 9230 2822
E [email protected]

Parliamentary Activity
Current Positions
Position Start Notes
Member, Joint Standing Committee on Net Zero Future 20 Jun 2024
Member, Joint Standing Committee on the Office of the Valuer General 29 Jun 2023
Member, Selection of Bills Committee 23 May 2023
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 2 - Health 17 May 2023
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 3 - Education 17 May 2023
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 7 - Planning and Environment 17 May 2023
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 8 - Customer Service 17 May 2023
Member, Public Accountability and Works Committee 17 May 2023
Member, Standing Committee on State Development 17 May 2023
Parliamentary Secretary for Industrial Relations 01 May 2023
Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism 01 May 2023
Parliamentary Secretary for Work Health and Safety 01 May 2023
Member of the NSW Legislative Council 23 Mar 2019
Prior Positions
Position Start End Period Notes
Member, Select Committee on the Feasibility of Undergrounding the Transmission Infrastructure for Renewable Energy Projects 13 Sep 2023 28 Mar 2024 6 months 16 days
Substitute Member, Portfolio Committee No. 6 - Transport and the Arts 04 Apr 2022 20 Sep 2022 5 months 17 days Privatisation of bus services
Member, Select Committee on the status of water trading in New South Wales 29 Mar 2022 20 Dec 2022 8 months 22 days
Deputy Chair, Standing Committee on Social Issues 21 Jun 2021 03 Mar 2023 1 year 8 months 11 days
Member, Standing Committee on Social Issues 21 Jun 2021 03 Mar 2023 1 year 8 months 11 days
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 5 - Legal Affairs 24 Jul 2020 16 Nov 2020 3 months 24 days
Deputy Chair, Selection of Bills Committee 02 Jul 2019 03 Mar 2023 3 years 8 months 2 days
Member, Procedure Committee 02 Jul 2019 03 Mar 2023 3 years 8 months 2 days
Opposition Whip in the Legislative Council 02 Jul 2019 28 Mar 2023 3 years 8 months 27 days
Member, Selection of Bills Committee 28 May 2019 03 Mar 2023 3 years 9 months 4 days
Member, Portfolio Committee No. 7 - Planning and Environment 15 May 2019 21 Jun 2021 2 years 1 month 7 days
About the Electorate

Political Party Activity

Mark joined the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) in 1982 and the Australian Labor Party (ALP) in 1993 and has had extensive involvement with both the political and industrial wings of the Labor movement. Mark stood for the ALP in the Division of Cook at the 2004 and 2007 Federal Elections. He was an organiser for the Electrical Trades Union NSW Branch before entering parliament.

Community Activity

Local Government Activity

Mark was elected as a Councillor on the Sutherland Shire Council.

Military Service

Honours Received


Mark was born in Sydney to Maltese parents Victor and Carmen, who immigrated to Australia from Malta in the 1950s. He is married to Anna and together they have a son Gerard. Mark's areas of interest include political philosophy and macroeconomics. He enjoys music, exercise and surfing.

Qualifications, Occupations and Interests

Mark is an Electrician and has qualifications in the Electrical Trade and Electrical Engineering from TAFE NSW. He also holds an Arts degree majoring in political science and an Economics degree with first-class honours. At 15 Mark began an Electrical Apprenticeship with the then Sydney County Council and later became an electrical systems operator then training manager with Energy Australia, now Ausgrid.

Additional Information

Video of first speech