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Tabled Paper Details

Report of the Independent Commission Against Corruption entitled 'Investigation into the conduct of the then Member of Parliament for Wagga Wagga and then Premier and others: Operation Keppel', dated June 2023

Tabled Paper  Op Keppel - Vol 2 (updated).pdf
 Op Keppel - Vol 1.pdf
Document Type Statutory Report
Under the ActIndependent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988
Under Section of Act 74; 78(2)
Relevant Agency Independent Commission Against Corruption
Legislative Council
Registration Number/Qualifier0386
Date Received Thursday, 29 June 2023
Date Reported Thursday, 29 June 2023
Tabled/Received By President
Notes Volume 2 of this report was updated on 29 June 2023 following the tabling of an erratum, available online at: Erratum to the report of the Independent Commission Against Corruption entitled 'Investigation into the conduct of the then Member of Parliament for Wagga Wagga and then Premier and others: Operation Keppel', dated June 2023
