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Inquiry Details

A framework for performance reporting and driving wellbeing outcomes in NSW

This inquiry was referred to the Public Accounts Committee by the Minister for Finance to look into an effective framework for reporting on the performance of NSW Government services and driving wellbeing outcomes for NSW residents.

1. That the Committee inquire into and report on an effective framework for reporting on the performance of NSW Government services and driving wellbeing outcomes for NSW residents, with particular reference to:

a) The process in the Budget that allows Government to examine the outcomes achieved through its resource allocations, and the extent to which it allows Government to observe:

i) Outcomes and service levels

ii) Evidence of the effectiveness of programs

iii) Transparency of performance

iv) how services are delivered and the outcomes achieved by Government

b) Opportunities, processes and governance arrangements to improve:

i) the quality of performance information that align to targeted, meaningful outcomes for the people of NSW, to better inform government decision making

ii) data collection and reporting to inform government decision making, enhance inter-Departmental collaboration and ensure accountability for cross-sector outcomes

iii) measurements of quality of life and wellbeing in New South Wales, with particular reference to the Commonwealth 'Measuring What Matters' national wellbeing framework and the OECD 'Framework for Measuring Well-being and Progress'.

c) Draft outcomes and indicators in the 'Performance and Wellbeing – Consultation Paper' included in the NSW Budget Papers 2024-25

d) Approaches to the following strategic goals of the Government in establishing the Performance and Wellbeing Framework:

i) Best-practice approaches to integrating decision-making and reporting on government programs, funding and new policy initiatives (between the NSW Budget and the Government's priorities as set out in the Framework)

ii) Setting out approaches to build on the Framework to drive best-practice data governance and data literacy across government.


2. That the Committee report by November 2024.


3. Any other related matter.