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Inquiry Details

Review of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994

The Committee is reviewing the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994. As part of the review the Committee will examine the effectiveness of the amendments made by the Protected Disclosures Amendment (Public Interest Disclosures) Act 2010, in particular the amendments that provided for the role of the Steering Committee and the Ombudsman. The Committee will also look at whether the structures in place to support the operation of the public interest disclosures scheme remain appropriate, as well as the need for further review of the Act.

1. That the Committee conduct the statutory review of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994 (the Act). 

2. In its review, the Committee is to inquire into and report on:

a. the effectiveness of the amendments made by the Protected Disclosures Amendment (Public Interest Disclosures) Act 2010, in particular the amendments providing for the role of the Steering Committee and the Ombudsman;
b. whether the structures in place to support the operation of the public interest disclosures scheme remain appropriate; and
c. the need for further review of the Act. 

3. In conducting its inquiry, the Committee is to consider the Public Interest Disclosures Steering Committee’s Review of the Commonwealth Public Interest Disclosure Legislation dated January 2014.

Votes and Proceedings No 68, 1 June 2016, 13; Minutes No 62, 2 June 2016, 19