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Inquiry Details

The investigations by the Health Care Complaints Commission into the complaints made against Mr Graeme Reeves

This inquiry was established on 11 April 2008, to examine the investigations by the Health Care Complaints Commission into the complaints made against Mr Graeme Reeves, de-registered medical practitioner and report to Parliament on any matters connected with the Committee’s statutory functions.
Resolution passed 6 June 2008, Minutes No. 10 That, pursuant to the function of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the Health Care Complaint Commission under s 65(1)(b) of the Health Care Complaints Act 1993 to report to both Houses of Parliament, with such comments as the Committee thinks fit, on any matter appertaining to the Commission or connected with the exercise of the Commission’s functions to which, in the opinion of the Committee, the attention of Parliament should be directed, the Committee: 1. examine the investigations by the Health Care Complaints Commission into the complaints made against Mr Graeme Reeves, de-registered medical practitioner; and 2. report to Parliament on any matters connected with the Committee’s statutory functions.