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Inquiry Details

Budget Estimates 2010-2011

This inquiry was established on 24 November 2009 to report on Budget Estimates and related papers for the financial year 2010-2011, presenting the amounts to be appropriated from the Consolidated Fund. Portfolios: Fair Trading, Arts, Housing, Small Business, Veteran's Affairs, Planning, Infrastructure, Lands, Transport, Central Coast, Roads, Western Sydney
Minutes of Proceedings No. 128, Tuesday 24 November 2009, Item 12, pp 1536-1537, amended by Minutes of Proceedings No. 132, Wednesday 2 December 2009, Item 7, pp 1600-1601, amended by Minutes of Proceedings No. 162, Wednesday 1 September 2010, Item 4, pp 2001-2002, amended by Minutes of Proceedings No. 165, Wednesday 8 September 2010, Item 16, pp 2036.