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You can now keep up to date with the Parliament of NSW by following us one of our X (formally known as Twitter) accounts. These official feeds are produced by teams within the Parliament, and are designed to keep you up to date and informed.


The Legislative Council tweets information about what is happening in the Legislative Council, such as when Parliament is sitting, when key legislation and motions are being debated, the progress of committee inquiries, the availability of new publications and new educational resources.


The Legislative Assembly tweets about what is happening in the Legislative Assembly chamber on a sitting day, which may include the key bills that are being introduced and debated, important motions being debated, and question time. We will also follow the progress of committee inquiries, including the call for submissions and public hearings. Follow this feed to also hear about public sector seminars and guided tours of the chamber, as well as publications and resources.


The NSW Parliament House account tweets about the latest news from NSW Parliament including public events, tours, educational resources, exhibitions and dining. Check here for any new publications and papers prepared by the NSW Parliamentary Research Service on legislation before the NSW Parliament and on current policy issues of interest to Members of Parliament.