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Victims Compensation: Summary of the Review of the Victims Compensation Act - (The Brahe Report)

Victims Compensation: Summary of the Review of the Victims Compensation Act - (The Brahe Report)

Advice on legislation or legal policy issues contained in this paper is provided for use in parliamentary debate and for related parliamentary purposes. This paper is not professional legal opinion.
Briefing Paper No. 04/1994 by Gareth Griffith

The purpose of this briefing paper is to provide a brief overview of the structure and content of the Victims Compensation Act 1987.

Comprehensive reform of the Victims Compensation Act 1987 was foreshadowed in the Governor's Speech of 1 March 1994. The speech referred to a 'comprehensive package of reforms following the review of the implementation' of the Act by Deputy Chief Magistrate and former Chairman of the Victims Compensation Tribunal, Mr Cec Brahe. Mr Brahe reported in March 1993. Details of the proposed legislation are not known at this date. 1 To assist Members in their deliberations on this matter, this briefing note presents a summary of the main points of the Brahe report. 

To help the Brahe inquiry, the Attorney-General requested that the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research analyse the pattern of victim compensation claims, claimants and awards. The Bureau submitted its report, Criminal Victim Compensation: A Profile of Claims, Claimants and Awards, in February 1993. Its principal findings are set out in Appendix 1. 

Set out in Appendix 2 is the 'statistical information' section from the 1992- 1993 Annual Report of the Victims Compensation Tribunal.