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The Proposed Privatisation of the State Bank of NSW - Background Issues

The Proposed Privatisation of the State Bank of NSW - Background Issues

Advice on legislation or legal policy issues contained in this paper is provided for use in parliamentary debate and for related parliamentary purposes. This paper is not professional legal opinion.
Briefing Paper No. 13/1994 by Jan Newby

​Since 1988 there has been discussion about the future of the State Bank of New South Wales. In April 1990, it was reported that Bankers Trust Australia had prepared a valuation on the State Bank of New South Wales and that this was the third in the past two years. 

In preparation for this eventuality, the State Bank of New South Wales was corporatised by the State Bank (Corporatisation) Act 1989. 

On 25 November, 1993 the Premier of New South Wales announced plans for the Government to sell its interest in State Bank of New South Wales by restricted trade sale, excluding the four Australian nationally operating banks. 

This Briefing paper outlines: Privatisation: the pros, the cons and the process; The experience of privatisation in Australia and other countries: UK and New Zealand; State Banks of Australia: the current situation; The history of the State Bank of NSW; The issues involved in the privatisation of the State Bank of New South Wales; Political party statements and policies on the privatisation of the State Bank of New South Wales.