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Across the world and throughout time, societies have had to decide how they make decisions that work for the majority of their population. In Australia, we’ve chosen a democratic system of government. This means we elect representatives to parliament who report our views, and make decisions on our behalf. So, instead of each individual voting on every decision, we vote in elections and delegate that responsibility to Members of Parliament.

But, living in a democracy means so much more than just voting at elections. Citizens need to participate at many levels to make democracy work.

Open to students in years 7 to 12, Parli-Flicks, the NSW Parliament Democracy Day Short Film Award asks students to explore the question: Why do we need Parliament?

Students are encouraged to express their views through the medium of film either individually or in a group. 

Short films will be awarded in the following categories and winners will be invited to an award night at the NSW Parliament on Thursday 15 September 2022.

  • Best Regional
  • Best Metropolitan
  • Best Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 9)
  • Best Senior Secondary (Years 10 – 12)
  • Presiding Officers' Choice
  • Overall Winner

For more information and to enter, visit the Education website.

The award is sponsored by the Australasian Study of Parliament Group (ASPG) and the NSW Parliamentary Communication, Education & Engagement team.