The Hon. BRONNIE TAYLOR (Minister for Mental Health, Regional Youth and Women) (12:59:31): I thank Reverend the Hon. Fred Nile for his very detailed question. I have the privilege of representing in this place the Minister for Health and Medical Research, who resides in the other place. It is the remit of any health professional to make sure that they provide the best possible health advice at the best possible time to get the best possible outcome. That is the focus. Different people have different issues and needs, whether it is in the general health system or mental health. They fit intrinsically together. My specialty was in cancer nursing; others specialise in other fields. But all health professionals remain focused on an individual's needs and requirements. There are many facets to what they do. We value very much the work of the members of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. They are at the pinnacle of their professions and their specialties.
The provision of medical health care is consistent and always will be. It is not based on how people feel about an issue or how communities respond to an issue. The issue is one of health, and that is how as health professionals we approach every single person, without judgement or fear or favour. Health professionals prioritise the health needs of individuals in every facet of their treatment. In my career there were many times where I was faced with situations where perhaps personally I was not sure about the clinical decisions. But my focus was on what was right for that person at that time. Health professionals do not judge or influence; they provide people with the information they require and put them on the healthcare trajectory they need. I very much thank the honourable member for his question and I hope I have provided him with the detail he required. If the member wants me to take any matter on notice, I am happy to do so. I think I speak on behalf of all health professionals when I say that a person's health is the paramount, defining basis for care.
The Hon. DON HARWIN: The time for questions has expired. If members have further questions I suggest they place them on notice.