(1) What volumes of logs in each category were produced in the Southern Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) and Eden Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) Regions in:
(a) 2019?
(b) 2020?
(2) What volume of logs was supplied to Allied Natural Wood Exports in 2019 and 2020 in each category:
(a) pulp?
(b) sawlogs?
(c) firewood?
(d) biomass from Southern RFA Region and Eden RFA Region?
(3) Has the Forestry Corporation supplied any logs to South Coast Timber Holdings Pty Ltd at Eden? If so, please provide details.
(4) How have Wood Supply Agreements (WSA) been adjusted after force majeure was declared in 2020?
(5) Have any WSAs been permanently modified to reflect the summer 2019-20 bushfires? If so, please provide details.
(6) Have hardwood logs from the north coast been supplied to any south coast timber processing facilities in 2020 and 2021?
(a) If, so what are the details:
(i) volume?
(ii) source?
(iii) categories of logs?
(iv) recipient mill/s?
(b) What price has been charged to the mill/s for each category of logs?
(c) Under which Wood Supply Agreement/s have any such deliveries from the north coast been made?
(7) Have Forestry Corporation staff been eligible for Job Keeper payments. If so, how many and what was the total quantum?