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Question and Answer Tracking Details


Ward, Gareth to the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads

In light of traffic control expenditure previously reported on 27 December 2023 and the response to LA QON 1152:

(1)    Following the reported expenditure of $16.45 million by TfNSW for state-wide traffic control in the 2023 financial year, could the Minister provide a comprehensive breakdown of subsequent expenditures to date?

(2)    Could the Minister please include detailed accounts of all costs incurred beyond the initial report, highlighting any additional allocations or revisions in budgetary commitments?

(3)    Can the Minister provide itemised expenditure report for the Kiama, Shoalhaven, and Shellharbour LGAs for traffic control associated with works caused by natural disasters, each year for the last four years?

(4)    Can the Minister provide a total cost of traffic management and control specifically for Moss Vale Road from 2020 to date?

Answer -

I am advised

(1) and (2) The current Year to Date February 2024 expenditure against the Traffic Control Panel contract for Traffic Control for Natural Disaster in Regional NSW is $8.77 million. There are 16 contractors listed against the Traffic Control panel contract for the Financial Year 2023-2024. Budgets are not allocated at the lower level of detail, therefore, data regarding what may be above budget or be an additional commitment is not available.

(3) Due to the way in which claims are presented to Transport for NSW by councils, it is not possible to isolate the financial information regarding traffic control associated with works caused by natural disasters.

(4) To date, Transport for NSW has spent approximately $5.64 million on traffic control required to ensure safety along the whole length of Moss Vale Road, following the major Natural Disaster that affected it in February 2022 (AGRN 1012).

Question asked on 14 March 2024 (session 58-1) and printed in Questions & Answers Paper No. 46
Answer received on 18 April 2024 and printed in Questions & Answers Paper No. 50