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Ward, Gareth to the Minister for Small Business, Minister for Lands and Property, Minister for Multiculturalism, and Minister for Sport

(1) Did you commit to release the Small Business Strategy and Small Business Charter in May 2023?

(a) If yes, given it is now February 2024, when will you release these two documents?

(2) In relation to (1), what consultation has taken place?

(3) Can you provide an update in relation to your Department’s goal of boosting small business procurement targets from 12 per cent to 30 per cent?

(4) How many staff make up the New South Wales Business Bureau?

Answer -

I am advised

(1) The Small Business Charter was released on 20 February 2024 and supersedes the former NSW Government's Small Business Strategy. The Charter is available on the NSW Government website.

(2) The Charter was informed by consultation held with the business sector including peak associations, business chambers and agencies between September and December 2023.

(3) The Service NSW Business Bureau supports small business procurement by helping businesses to understand and navigate NSW procurement processes with the support of the Business Concierge service. The Bureau's Business Connect program can help small businesses build their capacity to tender. The NSW Procurement Board issued a Direction on 7 December 2023 that raises the threshold for one quote to $250,000 for small business goods and services, and only require insurance to be demonstrated when a contract is awarded.

(4) There are approximately 271 staff in the Service NSW Business Bureau (2023/24).

Question asked on 8 February 2024 (session 58-1) and printed in Questions & Answers Paper No. 43
Answer received on 14 March 2024 and to be printed in Questions & Answers Paper No. 63