(1) I am advised by the Greyhound Welfare & Integrity Commission ( the Commission) that during this period, it undertook disciplinary action against 35 industry participants in relation to 63 breaches. Two of these matters involve five charges that are currently subject to appeal. Disciplinary decisions are available on the Commission's website.
(2) I am advised by the Commission, noting that a disciplinary inquiry may involve charges of more than one type, the disciplinary decisions during this period related to:
(a) 26 matters (involving 29 charges) were in relation to prohibited substances.
(b) Eight matters (involving 24 charges) concerned misconduct and bringing greyhound racing into disrepute.
(c) All 63 charges finalised were breaches of the Greyhound Racing Rules.
(d) Five matters (involving 10 charges) related to animal welfare breaches.
(3) I am advised by the Commission that during this period 176 greyhounds were euthanised by a veterinarian where pain and unnecessary suffering was not able to be alleviated and where the prognosis was such that there was little or no chance of a greyhound returning to an active life.
(4) I am advised by the Commission that during the period in question:
- Six greyhounds were euthanised and one died at a race meeting due to serious injury.
- An additional three greyhounds were subsequently euthanised off-track by private veterinarians.
- Two died off-track due to serious injuries sustained at a race meeting.
(5) It is noted that the Commission exercises its functions independently, with the Greyhound Racing Act 2017, providing that the Commission is not subject to Ministerial direction, including in relation to any decision to take disciplinary action. However, I am advised by the Commission:
- Compared to same period in 2023 the number of on-track euthanasia's is more than 50% lower (12 in 2024 compared to 25 in 2023).
- The on-track euthanasia rate for this financial year is predicted to be the lowest in the sport's history.
- These outcomes have been achieved as a result of implementing a range of race injury reduction and other strategies.
(6) I am advised by the Commission that it will be introducing new measures later in the year designed to reduce the incidents of prohibited substance use in the sport.