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Tabled Paper Details

Ms Jenny Leong—Make transport concessions available to all students in NSW

Petition To the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly, Part-time and international students are ineligible for travel concessions in New South Wales. This represents a glaring inequity for tertiary students; all students deserve travel concessions. NSW is currently the only state that does not offer some form of concession or discounted travel to international students. International students generate $3.3 billion dollars in revenue per year for NSW. Extending the travel concession program to international students would cost the NSW Government approximately $169 million per year. If international students could access transport concessions, they would not only be more likely to study in New South Wales, but more likely to engage in revenue-generating activity like state-wide tourism, retail, and paid employment. Part-time students provide vital revenue to the state of New South Wales. These students have historically been excluded from the concession program because of the belief they are engaged in the workforce at least part time. However, the research does not bear this out: students who opt to study part time are overwhelmingly women, carers, and people with disabilities. These students are in dire need of support to complete their education. Travel concessions are invaluable in this regard. Rising rents and extreme cost-of-living pressures are forcing students to live further away from campuses, and to choose between travelling to university or paying rent. Students need concessions now more than ever. We the undersigned petitioners ask the Legislative Assembly to call on the Government to extend the transport concession program to all students, including part-time and international students.
Petition Response Response by the Hon Jo Haylen—received 16 April 2024—to petition lodged 12 March 2024—Make transport concessions available to all students in NSW—(Jenny Leong)
Tracking of Petitions with 500 or more Signatures
Petition Category20,000+
Number Of Signatories21,061
Presented ByLeong, Jenny
Minister Responsible Minister for Transport
Debate DateThursday, 9 May 2024
Petition StatusResponse Received
Response DueTuesday, 16 April 2024
Response Received Tuesday, 16 April 2024
Registration Number/Qualifier1030


What each field means...

Following is a brief explanation of each of the fields that could appear for any particular paper on the register. It should be noted that not all of the following fields will appear on every entry.

  • Document Type - documents tabled in the Legislative Assembly have been loosely categorised as follows:
    Annual Report: Reports of Government Departments or Statutory Bodies which are produced detailing their operations on an annual basis;
    Bill; Committee Report: A report from a NSW Parliamentary Committee;
    Statutory Report: Reports apart from annual reports where legislation requires the report to be produced or tabled, for example statutory reviews of Acts, reports of royal commissions and organisations such as the Auditor General;
    Message: from the Governor or the Legislative Council;
    Statutory Instrument: including regulations and by-laws; and Petitions.
    Other Paper includes miscellaneous papers which do not fall into any of the other categories, for example transcripts or minutes of evidence from parliamentary committees, government responses to committee reports or petitions.
  • Tabled/reported - the date on which the paper was tabled in the Legislative Assembly. If the paper was received by the Speaker or Clerk when the House was not sitting, it indicates the date of receipt, at which point the report is "deemed" tabled.
  • Tabled by/Received from – the Member who tabled the paper, or the Speaker or Clerk where the paper was received when the House was not sitting. Where a Member's name appears followed by another Member's name in brackets, the first Member has tabled the paper on behalf of the Member whose name is in brackets.
  • Under the Act - the name of the Act of Parliament which requires the paper to be produced and/or tabled in Parliament.
  • Agency - the name of the organisation (e.g. Department of Local Government) the paper is produced by.
  • URL - If the paper is located on the Internet, the URL which is a hyperlink to the paper on the host organisation's website. Please note that although, at the time it is listed the link is valid, the Legislative Assembly is unable to guarantee that the link will remain active.
  • Notes - This records any additional information relevant to the paper.

Fields relevant to petitions only:

  • Presented by – the Member who lodges a petition to be tabled by the Clerk, or in the case of 10,000 or more signatures, the Speaker.
  • Minister Responsible - the Minister who holds portfolio responsibility for the petition of 500 or more signatures.
  • Petition Status - the tracking status of the response due for petitions of more than 500 signatures – either 'awaiting response' or 'response received'.
  • Response Due - the date that a Government response is expected to be tabled in response to the 500 or more signature petition.

Fields relevant to Committee reports only:

  • Committee – the name of the parliamentary committee the paper is produced by.