(1) With respect to the Small Business Bureau and Small Business Charter that you have announced:
(a) When will the Small Business Bureau be operational?
(b) What is the budget for the Small Business Bureau?
(c) Where will the bureau be located?
(d) What services will be provided by the bureau?
(e) How will small businesses be able to access the bureau’s services?
(i) Will access be available on weekends?
(f) How many full time employees will be employed by the bureau?
(g) What targets for staff and recruitment will the bureau have?
(i) Does this include the recruitment of people with small business experience?
(h) Will the bureau be undertaking small business outreach work?
(i) If yes, how will this work and how will this outreach be communicated?
(i) Will the bureau have key performance indicators (KPIs)?
(i) If yes, will these KPIs and their results be made public?
(ii) If not, why not?
(j) When will the small business charter be made public?
(k) What consultation have you undertaken on the charter and its contents?
(l) Will the charter be a code or a set or rights?
(m) Will the charter be legislated, introduced by regulation or is it a Government statement of intent?
(n) Does the Government plan to have an annual review of the success of the charter?
(o) Will the charter have key performance indictors?
(p) Will the charter include the promotion of voting in local Government elections by eligible small businesses?