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Standing Order Details

S.O.245 Financial Procedures - consideration of Appropriation Bill in detail

245. The procedure for consideration in detail of a bill for Loan or Appropriation, other than Bills referred to an Estimates Committee is:
      1. When a clause is under discussion the debate shall be confined to the estimate of expenditure relevant to that clause.
      2. When a motion is made to omit or reduce any vote or item of a vote, a question shall be proposed from the Speaker for omitting or reducing that vote or item and until it is disposed of Members shall only speak to that question.
      3. After a question for omitting or reducing any vote or item has been disposed of, no motion shall be made or debate allowed upon any preceding vote or item.
      4. Where it has been proposed to omit or reduce a vote or items in a vote, the question will then be put on the original vote, or upon the reduced vote, as the case may be, without amendment.
      5. After a question has been put for a reduction of the whole vote, no motion shall be made for omitting or reducing any part of such vote.
      6. When a general reduction of the amount of the vote comprising many items is proposed, the question shall be put for the reduction of such vote or item. If such a motion is negatived it shall not be in order to then propose a reduction by a greater sum.