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Standing Order Details

S.O.113 Motions of no confidence in Speaker

No confidence in Speaker

113. The procedure for a no confidence motion in the Speaker is as follows:
      1. A notice of motion must be given at the time for giving notices for business with precedence.
      2. The notice shall be called on at the next sitting day on which business with precedence is considered.
      3. The motion may not be postponed or amended.
      4. The motion may be withdrawn with the leave of the House.
      5. If the motion is adjourned or interrupted it will be set down as an order of the day and considered on the next day that business with precedence is considered.
      6. Debate will be as follows:
        • Mover - unspecified
        • Member leading the debate in opposition to the motion - unspecified
        • Any other Member - 20 minutes
        • Response by Member leading the debate in opposition to the motion - 30 minutes
        • Mover in reply - 30 minutes
      7. The following motions cannot be moved:
        • That the Member be now heard.
        • That the Member be not further heard.
        • That the question be not now put (previous question).
      8. The motion "That the question be now put" (closure) cannot be moved until at least 4 members (inclusive of the mover and Member leading the debate in opposition to the motion) have spoken on the original question before the House. The effect of the closure being agreed to does not preclude the response of the Member leading the debate in opposition to the motion.

amended 3 July 2009