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The Budget

The Budget


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The culmination of the Budget process involves an annual appropriation by an act of Parliament of the money needed for Government expenditure in the coming financial year.

Its passage ensures Parliamentary authorisation of the amount of money to be drawn from the Consolidated Fund and the specific purposes for which the funds are to be used. In accordance with the NSW Constitution and the Westminster parliamentary system of representative government, this particular legislation must originate in the Legislative Assembly. 

Each year, the Treasurer presents the NSW Budget and tables the Appropriation bill and various cognate bills. As the current Treasurer is a member of the Legislative Council, and in line with previous practice, a Minister in the Legaislative Assembly will introduce the budget bills and the Assembly will then invite the Treasurer, the Hon. Daniel Mookhey MLC to give a speech of unlimited duration in relation the NSW Budget.

The Budget

On Tuesday 18 June 2024, a Minister on behalf of the Premier, will introduce the Appropriation Bill and various cognate bills. Immediately following this, the Treasurer, the Hon. Daniel Mookhey MLC, will be admitted to the House for the purpose of delivering the Budget Speech.

Once the Treasurer concludeds his speech, the Minister who introduced the bills will move the second reading of the bills and the debate will automatically be adjourned until Thursday 20 June 2024, after which, the 2024-2025 Budget papers will tabled.


On Thursday 20 June 2024, the Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Mark Speakman MP will deliver his second reading speech in response to the Budget.

After the Leader of the Opposition concludes his speech, the bills will be forwarded to the Legislative Council for concurrence. A Minister will then move that the House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers for 2024-2025. 

Take Note Debate

All Members have the opportunity to speak in the subsequent debate on the budget papers. The scope of the debate may include issues about how the budget might affect a Member's electorate.

Budget Estimates

Once Budget Estimates and related papers are tabled, they are referred to the eight Legislative Council Portfolio Committees for inquiry and report. The Budget Estimates process involves the questioning of Ministers and relevant Public Servants.​