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<b>LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY</b> - Closed ePetition Details

LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY - Closed ePetition Details

Refer the Proposed Conversion Therapy Legislation to a Joint Parliamentary Select Committee to ensure that the Government honours its Election Promises

Petitioner: Mr Michael Andjelkovic | Member: Davies, Tanya | No. of Signatories: 3,148 | Date closed: 27/09/2023
To the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly, the undersigned petitioners of New South Wales request that the Legislative Assembly call on the Government to honour its election promises made regarding the NSW Conversion Therapy Legislation, and further ensure that: • the NSW legislation will NOT be modelled on the Victorian Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act or on the Member for Sydney’s Conversion Practices Prohibition Bill 2023. • the public are provided with detailed definitions of the “dangerous and damaging” conversion practices that are to be banned. • that religious freedom is protected by protecting religious teaching, prayer, and religious guidance on gender and sexuality and • any legislation must not prevent individuals from seeking voluntary medical, allied health, or other advice and assistance regarding their personal circumstances, or an individual, at their own consent, seeking guidance through prayer. • any legislation addressing conversion therapy must clearly differentiate between coercive practices and religious interventions. This distinction ensures that genuine religious activities are not inadvertently criminalised. • there is stakeholder involvement in drafting any new legislation, which includes engaging religious institutions, faith leaders, and community representatives in the legislative process. Their insights can help craft nuanced policies that respect religious freedoms while addressing the core issues. • there is a full and thorough review of the legislation by referring the proposed legislation to a Parliamentary Select Committee for review prior to presentation of the bill to Parliament.