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<b>LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY</b> - Closed ePetition Details

LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY - Closed ePetition Details

A petition seeking mandatory NSW protection of Drinking Water Catchments.

Petitioner: Mrs Cassie Taylor | Member: Parker, Jamie | No. of Signatories: 252 | Date closed: 27/07/2021
To the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly, The Glen Innes Severn Council and other NSW councils’ are responsible for both development consent and water governance. This dual responsibility contributes to potential conflicts, and can lead to negative, public-health and safety, environmental and water implications. Concerned members of the Glen Innes Severn community have continued to oppose a planning proposal for an intensive cattle feedlot which will risk and impact the town’s drinking water catchment; conflicts with Department of Primary Industry advisory guidelines recommending an 800-metre separation distance; and ignores National guidelines advising feedlots are not suitable to regions with rainfall greater than 750mm annually. In 2020, at their own expense, the community successfully challenged through the Land and Environment Court, a previous council planning approval, resulting in the Applicant surrendering consent and Glen Innes Severn Council withdrawing from the Court proceedings. The community is now opposing a third application for this same development proposal and yet to be determined development. While within its power, the Glen Innes Severn Council has failed to introduce any Development Control Plan; prohibiting intensive development in its mapped Drinking Water Catchments. We the following NSW residents and petitioners seek urgent state government intervention and action to introduce mandatory protection and governance arrangements to protect mapped Drinking Water Catchments, including the prohibition of intensive enterprise including, but not limited to, intensive livestock development, that is detrimental to the supply and quality of water for human consumption.