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Committee Details

Joint Select Committee upon Gun Law Reform

The Committee operated in a previous Parliament. This page provides information on the inquiry it conducted.



1. That a Joint Select Committee be appointed with the following terms of reference:


(1) To recommend to Parliament ways in which the current system of licensing shooters could be improved having regard to:

(a) the desirability of developing a two category shooters licence system in New South Wales as recommended by the New South Wales Commissioner of Police, Mr Tony Lauer, covering:

(i) Category 1 non-self-loading rifles; and

(ii) Category 2 rim-fire self-loading rifles with restricted magazine capacity; and

(b) the purposes, including "good reason" or "need to own" criteria, for which licences may be issued, having particular regard to primary producers, professional shooters and others with occupational needs and members of recognised shooting clubs and related organisations.


(2) Without limiting the generality of (1), to recommend

(a) whether the ban by the Commonwealth Government, pursuant to the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations, on the importation of non-exempt self-loading centre-fire rifles should be extended to encompass all self-loading centrefire rifles;

(b) as to the nature and method of enforcement of national bans on the sale, purchase or resale of those self-loading centre-fire rifles (including their Australian made substitutes) of a kind as banned from importation into Australia;

(c) action by which the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments may deal with prohibited firearms now in the community; and

(d) any other action necessary to reinforce responsible gun ownership and use on a national basis.


2. That the Committee shall consist of seven members of the Legislative Assembly and seven members of the Legislative Council.


3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Standing Orders of either House:

(1) That Mr Anderson, Mrs Chikarovski, Mr Cochran, Mr Irwin, Mr Ken, Mr Longley and Ms Moore be appointed to serve on such Committee as Members of the Legislative Assembly.

(2) The Legislative Council Members shall be:

(a) 3 Members supporting the Government nominated by the Leader of the
Government in the Council; and

(b) 4 Members not supporting the Government, of which:

(i) , 2 shall be nominated by the Leader of the Opposition in the Council;

(ii) 1 shall be Miss Kirkby; and

(iii) 1 shall be Revd Mr Nile.

(3) The Committee shall elect as Chairman a member of the Legislative Assembly appointed to the Committee as a supporter of the Government.


4. That at any meeting of the Committee any seven Members shall constitute a quorum, provided that the Committee shall meet as a Joint Committee at all times.


5. That the Committee have leave to sit during the sittings or any adjournment of either or both Houses; to adjourn from place to place; to have power to take evidence and send for persons and papers; and to report from time to time.


6. That should either or both Houses stand adjourned and the Committee agree to any report before the Houses resume sitting:

(1) the Committee have leave to send any such report, minutes and evidence taken before it to the Clerk of the House;

(2) the documents shall be printed and published and the Clerk shall forthwith take such action as is necessary to give effect to the order of the House; and

(3) the documents shall be laid upon the Table of the House at its next sitting.


7. The Committee shall report to both Houses by no later than 15 October 1991 .
