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Committee Details

Joint Select Committee on sentencing of child sexual assault offenders

Committees of the 55th Parliament (2011-2015) have expired. Committees of the 56th Parliament will be appointed shortly.
Legislative Assembly Votes and Proceedings, Thursday 15 August 2013, no 156 (18). Legisaltive Council Minutes, Wednesday 21 August 2013, no 157 (19).
(1) A Joint Parliamentary Select Committee be appointed to inquire into and
report on:
(a) whether current sentencing options for perpetrators of child sexual
assault remain effective; and
(b) whether greater consistency in sentencing and improving public
confidence in the judicial system could be achieved through alternative
sentencing options, including but not limited to minimum mandatory sentencing
and anti-androgenic medication.

(2) In examine this issue the Committee should have regard to:
(a) the current sentencing patterns for child sexual assault;
(b) the operation of the standard minimum non-parole scheme;
(c) the experience of other jurisdictions with alternative sentencing
options; and
(d) the NSW Law Reform Commission's Report 139 on Sentencing.

(3) The Committee to consist of seven members as follows:
(a) four from the Government, three being members of the Legislative
Assembly and one a Member of the Legislative Council;
(b) two from the Opposition, one being a Member of the Legislative
Assembly and one a Member of the Legislative Council; and
(c) one cross-bench member of the Legislative Council.

(4) The members shall be nominated in writing to the Clerk of the Legislative
Assembly and Clerk of the Parliaments by the relevant party leaders and the
cross-bench members respectively by Friday 23 August 2013. In the absence of
any agreement concerning the membership of the Committee the matter is to be
determined by the relevant House.

(5) That at any meeting of the Committee four members shall constitute a
quorum, provided that the Committee meets as a joint committee at all times.

(6) The Committee have leave to make visits of inspection within the State of
New South Wales and other states and territories of Australia.
