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Committee Details

Joint Select Committee on Threatened Species Conservation Amendment (Biodiversity Banking) Act 2006

The Committee was established to:

1. prepare a report that sets out guidelines for the operation of the biobanking scheme during the trial period and examines options for applying the scheme to the clearing of native vegetation (within the meaning of the Native Vegetation Act 2003),

2. evaluate the objectives of the scheme,

3. oversight the operation of the scheme during the two year trial period,

4. report on the operation of the trial within six months of the expiration of the trial period.


This committee expired at the end of the 53rd Parliament.



(1) That a joint select committee be appointed to monitor the implementation of the Threatened Species Conservation Amendment (Biodiversity Banking) Act 2006.


That the functions of the committee will be:

  • to prepare a report that sets out suggested guidelines for the operation of the scheme during a trial period and examines options for applying the scheme to the clearing of native vegetation (within the meaning of the Native Vegetation Act 2003),
  • to evaluate the objectives of the scheme as set out in the bill as passed by both Houses,
  • to oversight the operation of the scheme during the two year trial period, and
  • to report to both Houses on the operation of the trial within six months of the expiration of the trial period.


(2) That the committee consist of seven members as follows:

  • Reverend the Hon. Dr Gordon Moyes, who shall be Chairman of the committee.
  • three shall be from the Government, being two members of the Legislative Assembly and one member of the Legislative Council; and
  • two from the Opposition, being one member of the Legislative Assembly and one member of the Legislative Council; and
  • one crossbench member from the Legislative Council.


(3) That the members be nominated in writing to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly and Clerk of the Legislative Council by the relevant party leaders and the crossbench members respectively within seven calendar days of the passing of this resolution. In the absence of any agreement concerning Legislative Council representation on the committee the matter is to be determined by that House.

(4) That at any meeting of the committee four members shall constitute a quorum provided that the committee meets as a joint committee at all times. The Chairman or Vice-Chairman (if presiding) shall have both a deliberative vote and, in the event of an equality of votes, a casting vote.


(5) That the Vice-Chairman of the committee shall be elected by and from the members of the committee.


(6) That the committee have leave to sit during the sittings or any adjournment of either or both Houses, to adjourn from place to place, to make visits of inspection within New South Wales and have power to take evidence and send for persons, papers, records and things, and to report from time to time.


(7) That should either House stand adjourned and the committee agree to any report before the House resumes sitting, the committee have leave to send any such
report, minutes of proceedings and evidence taken before it to the Clerk of each House.


A report presented to the Clerks is:

  • on presentation, and for all purposes, deemed to have been laid before the
  • to be printed by authority of the Clerk, for all purposes, deemed to be a document published by order or under the authority of the House, and
  • to be recorded in the official proceedings of the House.
