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Committee Details

Joint Select Committee into Safe Injecting Rooms

This committee was established to inquire into and report on the establishment or trial of safe injecting rooms.
Resolution passed 19 June 1997, Legislative Assembly Votes and Proceedings No. 72, p 1052 and 24 June 1997, Legislative Council Minutes No. 82, p866.
That a Joint Committee be appointed to inquire into and report on:

(1) That in the light of the Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police
recommendation concerning safe and sanitary injecting rooms a Joint Select
be appointed to:
(1) advise the Parliament of the costs and benefits to the public of the
or trial of safe, sanitary injecting rooms under the licence or supervision of
Department of Health and of amendment of the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act
1985 accordingly; and
(2) make a recommendation to the Parliament as to whether or not such
establishment or trial should proceed.

(2) That the Legislative Assembly Members comprise:
(1) Government Members nominated in writing to the Clerk of the House by the
Leader of the House;
(2) 2 Opposition Members nominated in writing to the Clerk of the House by the
Leader of the Opposition; and
(3) 1 Independent Member nominated in writing to the Clerk of the House by the
Independent Members.

(3) That notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Standing Orders of
either House:
(1) the Committee is to elect as Chairman a Government Member;
(2) the Chairman of the Committee have a deliberative vote and, in the event of
equality of votes, a casting vote;
(3) at any meeting of the Committee 4 members constitute a quorum, provided that
the Committee meet as a Joint Committee at all times; and
(4) dissenting reports shall be permitted to be tabled.

(4) That the Committee have leave to sit during any adjournment of either or
both Houses; to
adjourn from place to place; to make visits of inspection within the State of
New South
Wales and Australia; and have powers to take evidence and to send for persons,
and things; and to report from time to time.

(5) That the Committee report by 30 November 1997. [Extended to 27 February
1998 by
resolution of the Parliament.] (V&P 8.12.97, M.of P. 4.12.97)

(6) That should either or both the Houses stand adjourned and the Committee
agree to any
report before the Houses resume sitting:
(1) the Committee have leave to send any such report, minutes and evidence
takenbefore it to the Clerks of the respective Houses;
(2) the documents be printed and published and the Clerks forthwith take such
action as is necessary to give effect to the order of the House; and
(3) the documents be laid on the Table of the Houses at their next sittings.

(7) The Legislative Assembly requests the Legislative Council to appoint 4 of
its Members
(being 2 Government and 2 Non-Government) to serve on the Committee and to
nominate the time and place for the first meeting of the Committee.
