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Current session bills (by bill title)

Current session bills (introduced by private members)

​​These pages contain details of bills introduced into Parliament since 1997. This includes PDF copies of bills since 1999.
NSW Acts and Regulations (legislation in force) are not published on this site, see

House of Origin: All Legislative Assembly Legislative Council
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Bill Title Origin Location Status House
Road Transport Amendment (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill 2023 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 02/08/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Residential Tenancies Amendment (Rent Freeze) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 11/11/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Cannabis Legalisation Bill 2023 LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 10/05/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Road Transport Amendment (Medicinal Cannabis-Exemptions from Offences) Bill 2023 LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 10/05/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Pill Testing Bill 2023 LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 10/05/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Drug Misuse and Trafficking Amendment (Decriminalisation) Bill 2023 LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 10/05/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Animal Sentience) Bill 2023 LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 10/05/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Independent Office of Animal Welfare) Bill 2023 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 18/10/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Forestry Amendment (Third Party Proceedings) Bill 2023 LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 10/05/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Forestry Amendment (Koala Habitats) Bill 2023 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 11/05/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Unlawful Gambling Amendment (Betting on Animals) Bill 2023 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 22/11/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Gassing Devices Prohibition) Bill 2023 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 28/06/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Animal Research Amendment (Prohibition of Forced Swim Tests and Forced Smoke Inhalation Experiments) Bill 2024 LC - Assented - Act No 9 of 2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Battery Cage Prohibition) Bill 2023 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 31/05/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Companion Animals Amendment (Puppy Farms) Bill 2024 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 15/05/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Environmental Planning and Assessment Legislation Amendment (Short Term Rental Accommodation) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 12/11/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Property Services Council Bill 2023 LC - Negatived, 28/06/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Hemp Industry Amendment (Deregulation) Bill 2023 LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 23/05/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Fiscal Responsibility Amendment (Wellbeing Budget) Bill 2023 LC LC 2R, 02/08/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Environmental Planning and Assessment Legislation Amendment (Agritourism) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 26/11/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment (Validation) Bill 2023 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 31/05/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Minerals Legislation Amendment (Offshore Drilling and Associated Infrastructure Prohibition) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 13/03/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Electoral Funding Amendment (Property Developers) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 02/12/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Government Sector Finance Amendment (Grants) Bill (No 2) 2023 LA - Negatived, 03/08/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Rural Fires Amendment (Red Fleet) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 21/12/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Petroleum (Onshore) Amendment (Liverpool Plains Prohibition) Bill 2023 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 13/09/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Drug Misuse and Trafficking Amendment (Regulation of Personal Adult Use of Cannabis) Bill 2023 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 29/11/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Constitution Amendment (Water NSW and Local Water Utilities) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 22/12/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Management Amendment (Transfer of Water) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 23/12/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Management Amendment (Water Access Licence Register) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 23/12/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2023 LA LA Referred to committee for inquiry and report, 13/03/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Conversion Practices Prohibition Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 23/12/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Variation in Sex Characteristics (Restricted Medical Treatment) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 23/12/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Health Services Amendment (Splitting of the Hunter New England Health District) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 28/12/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Crimes Amendment (Breaking and Entering) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 29/12/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
ICAC and Other Independent Commissions Legislation Amendment (Independent Funding) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 29/12/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment (Ministerial Diary Disclosure) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 29/12/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Minerals and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Seabed Mining and Drilling and Associated Development Prohibition) Bill 2023 LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 29/06/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Affordable Housing) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 30/12/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Forestry Amendment (Timber Harvesting Safety Zones) Bill 2023 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 02/08/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Prohibition of New Coal Mining and Gas Drilling) Bill 2023 LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 01/08/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Gaming Machines Amendment (Cashless Gaming Cards) Bill 2023 LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 01/08/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Electoral Amendment (Voter ID and Electronic Mark Off) Bill 2023 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 04/02/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Human Tissue Amendment (Ante-mortem Interventions) Bill 2023 LA - Assented - Act No 13 of 2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Local Government Amendment (De-amalgamation Plebiscites) Bill 2023 LC - Negatived, 08/05/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Climate Change (Net Zero Emissions) Bill 2023 (Higginson) LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 24/08/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Parliamentary Evidence Amendment (Ministerial Accountability) Bill 2023 LC LC 2R, 28/11/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Constitution Amendment (Rights and Freedoms–Referendum) Bill 2023 LC LC 2R negatived on division in the LC, 20/03/2024
Cognate with main bill: Constitution Amendment (Rights and Freedoms) Bill 2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Constitution Amendment (Rights and Freedoms) Bill 2023 LC LC 2R negatived on division in the LC, 20/03/2024
Bills cognate with this main Bill: Constitution Amendment (Rights and Freedoms–Referendum) Bill 2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Surveillance Devices Amendment (Public Interest Exemptions) Bill 2023 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 11/10/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Greyhound Racing Amendment (Whole-of-life Tracking) Bill 2023 LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 10/10/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Virtual Stock Fencing) Bill 2023 LA LA Referred to committee for inquiry and report, 21/03/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Education Legislation Amendment (Personal Political Beliefs) Bill 2023 LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 17/10/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Amendment (Prohibition on Youth Strip Searches for Drug Offences) Bill 2023 LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 18/10/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Pill Testing Trial Bill 2023 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 29/11/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) Bill 2024 LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 20/04/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Heterosexual Discrimination) Bill 2024 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned, 05/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Companion Animals Amendment (Duty to Keep Cats on Premises) Bill 2023 LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 30/11/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Residential Tenancies Amendment (Prohibiting No Grounds Evictions) Bill 2024 LA LA Referred to committee for inquiry and report, 16/05/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Affordable Housing) Bill 2024 LA LA 2R Debate, Debate adjourned 5 clear days, 16/05/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Roads and Crimes Legislation Amendment (Offences Repeal) Bill 2024 LA LA Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 06/02/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment (Ministerial Diary Disclosure) Bill 2024 LA LA 2R Debate, Debate interrupted, 20/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Alcohol Consumption in Public Places Legislation Amendment (Liberalisation) Bill 2024 LC LC Notice of Motion Withdrawn, 04/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Rural Fires Amendment (Red Fleet) Bill 2024 LA LA Awaiting 2R Debate, Debate adjourned 5 clear days, 14/03/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Road Rules Amendment (Mobile Phones as Navigation Aids for "P Plate" Drivers) Bill 2024 LC LC Notice of Motion Withdrawn, 04/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Electoral Amendment (Voter ID and Electronic Mark Off) Bill 2024 LA LA Awaiting 2R Debate, Debate adjourned 5 clear days, 14/03/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Health Services Amendment (Splitting of the Hunter New England Health District) Bill 2024 LA LA Resignation of member
Private Member's Public Bill
Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Balloons) Bill 2024 LA LA 2R Debate, Debate adjourned 5 clear days, 06/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Electoral Funding Amendment (Property Developers) Bill 2024 LA LA Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 07/02/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Climate Change (Net Zero Emissions) Bill 2023 (Shetty) LA - Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 25/02/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Management Amendment (Water Access Licence Register) Bill 2024 LA LA Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 12/03/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
ICAC and Other Independent Commissions Legislation Amendment (Independent Funding) Bill 2024 LA LA 2R Debate, Debate adjourned 5 clear days, 09/05/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Residential Tenancies Amendment (Animals in Residential Premises) Bill 2024 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned, 19/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Electricity Infrastructure Investment Amendment (Renewable Energy Sector Plan) Bill 2024 LA LA 2R Debate, Debate adjourned 5 clear days, 09/05/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Electricity Infrastructure Investment Amendment (Tender Moratorium) Bill 2024 LA - Withdrawn, 16/05/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Payroll Tax Amendment (Regional NSW Exemption) Bill 2024 LA LA Resignation of member
Private Member's Public Bill
Road Transport Amendment (Driving Through Floodwaters) Bill 2024 LA LA Awaiting 2R Debate, Debate adjourned 5 clear days, 20/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) Bill 2024 (No 2) LA LA 2R Debate, Debate adjourned 5 clear days, 06/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Bail Amendment (Serious Personal Violence and Electronic Monitoring) Bill 2024 LA LA 2R Debate, Debate adjourned 5 clear days, 09/05/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Conversion Practices Ban Amendment (Gender Identity) Bill 2024 LC LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 16/05/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Regional Communities (Consultation Standards) Bill 2024 LA LA Awaiting 2R Debate, Debate adjourned 5 clear days, 20/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Limitation and Civil Liability Amendment (Permanent Stays) Bill 2024 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned, 05/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
David Berry Hospital Amendment (Prohibition of Sale) Bill 2024 LA LA Awaiting 2R Debate, Debate adjourned 5 clear days, 21/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Road Rules Amendment (Helmets—Sikh Exemption) Bill 2024 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 05/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Electricity Infrastructure Investment Amendment (Tender Moratorium) Bill 2024 LA LA Awaiting 2R Debate, Debate adjourned 5 clear days, 21/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Disallowance of Transport Oriented Development SEPP) Bill 2024 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 05/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Road Rules Amendment (Mobile Phones as Navigation Aids for Provisional Licence Holders) Bill 2024 LC LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 19/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Alcohol Consumption in Public Places (Liberalisation) Bill 2024 LC LC Referred to committee for inquiry and report
Private Member's Public Bill
Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Inclusionary Zoning Targets) Bill 2024 LA LA Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 06/06/2024
Private Member's Public Bill