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Maroubra - 2003 (Roll: 44,067)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Carr, Bob (Re-elected) Labor Party 24,958 64.14 26,979 73.48
Ren, Chuan Unity 826 2.12
Bennell, Kirsten Australian Democrats 558 1.43
Jurcevic, Rik The Greens 3,270 8.40
Coleman, David Liberal Party 9,298 23.90 9,739 26.52
Formal Votes 38,910
Informal / Exhausted Votes 968 2.43 2,192 5.63
Total Votes / Turnout 39,878 90.49

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Bennell (DEM)
Exclusion 2
Ren (UNI)
Exclusion 3
Jurcevic (GRN)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Carr (ALP) 93 29.43 25051 64.78 247 48.91 25298 66.01 1681 83.63 26979 73.48
Ren (UNI) 25 7.91 851 2.20 -851
Bennell (DEM) -558
Jurcevic (GRN) 152 48.10 3422 8.85 192 38.02 3614 9.43 -3614
Coleman (LIB) 46 14.56 9344 24.16 66 13.07 9410 24.56 329 16.37 9739 26.52
Votes In Count 316 38668 505 38322 2010 36718
Exhausted 242 43.37 242 0.62 346 40.66 588 1.51 1604 44.38 2192 5.63