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Maroubra - 1999 (Roll: 44,129)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Hassan, Nagaty Unity 991 2.51
Faulkner, Tio Liberal Party 9,523 24.14 10,867 30.05
Corben, Paul Australian Democrats 1,292 3.28
McEwen, Jack One Nation 1,926 4.88
Carr, Bob (Re-elected) Labor Party 23,393 59.30 25,293 69.95
Paton, Cecilia Aust. Against Further Immigration 312 0.79
Bastable, Jules The Greens 2,009 5.09
Formal Votes 39,446
Informal / Exhausted Votes 1,187 2.92 3,286 8.33
Total Votes / Turnout 40,633 92.08

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Paton (AFI)
Exclusion 2
Hassan (UNI)
Exclusion 3
Corben (DEM)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Hassan (UNI) 9 6.12 1000 2.55 -1000
Faulkner (LIB) 17 11.56 9540 24.29 196 35.90 9736 25.08 163 20.00 9899 25.86
Corben (DEM) 11 7.48 1303 3.32 55 10.07 1358 3.50 -1358
McEwen (ONP) 41 27.89 1967 5.01 6 1.10 1973 5.08 50 6.13 2023 5.28
Carr (ALP) 36 24.49 23429 59.64 247 45.24 23676 60.98 281 34.48 23957 62.58
Paton (AFI) -312
Bastable (GRN) 33 22.45 2042 5.20 42 7.69 2084 5.37 321 39.39 2405 6.28
Votes In Count 147 39281 546 38827 815 38284
Exhausted 165 52.88 165 0.42 454 45.40 619 1.57 543 39.99 1162 2.95

Distribution of Preferences - part 2
Exclusion 4
McEwen (ONP)
Exclusion 5
Bastable (GRN)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Faulkner (LIB) 563 53.67 10462 28.04 405 28.03 10867 30.05
McEwen (ONP) -2023
Carr (ALP) 296 28.22 24253 65.00 1040 71.97 25293 69.95
Bastable (GRN) 190 18.11 2595 6.96 -2595
Votes In Count 1049 37310 1445 36160
Exhausted 974 48.15 2136 5.41 1150 44.32 3286 8.33