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Orange - 1941 (Roll: 15,460)
Labor Party gain from United Australia
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Loewenthal, Leslie Stanhope Independent 302 2.12
O'Donnell, James Independent 475 3.33
O'Halloran, Robert Emmet (Elected) Labor Party 6,503 45.65 7,738 54.32
Roberts, Joseph Allan Gordon State Labor 748 5.25
Tonking, Alwyn Uren (Defeated) United Australia 6,217 43.64 6,507 45.68
Formal Votes 14,245
Informal Votes 359 2.46
Total Votes / Turnout 14,604 94.46

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Loewenthal (IND)
Exclusion 2
O'Donnell (IND)
Exclusion 3
Roberts (SLAB)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Loewenthal (IND) -302
O'Donnell (IND) 154 50.99 629 4.42 -629
O'Halloran (ALP) 48 15.89 6551 45.99 389 61.84 6940 48.72 798 85.53 7738 54.32
Roberts (SLAB) 54 17.88 802 5.63 131 20.83 933 6.55 -933
Tonking (UAP) 46 15.23 6263 43.97 109 17.33 6372 44.73 135 14.47 6507 45.68