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Bondi - 1941 (Roll: 23,543)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Jenkins, Allan Milton State Labor 2,267 10.68
Landa, Abram (Elected) Labor Party 9,577 45.14 11,492 54.16
Thomas, Norman (Defeated) United Australia 9,373 44.18 9,725 45.84
Formal Votes 21,217
Informal Votes 327 1.52
Total Votes / Turnout 21,544 91.51

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Jenkins (SLAB)
PreferencesNew Totals
Jenkins (SLAB) -2267
Landa (ALP) 1915 84.47 11492 54.16
Thomas (UAP) 352 15.53 9725 45.84