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South Coast - 2007 (Roll: 47,210)
Retained by Liberal Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Findley, Amanda Greens 3,973 9.23
Miran, Michelle Labor Party 14,183 32.95 16,921 42.21
Dobson, Rex Australians Against Further Immigration 1,050 2.44
Green, Paul Christian Democrat 2,733 6.35
Hancock, Shelley (Re-elected) Liberal Party 21,111 49.04 23,167 57.79
Formal Votes 43,050
Informal / Exhausted Votes 900 2.05 2,962 6.88
Total Votes / Turnout 43,950 93.09

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Dobson (AFI)
Exclusion 2
Green (CDP)
Exclusion 3
Findley (GRN)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Findley (GRN) 95 20.30 4068 9.58 182 9.75 4250 10.24 -4250
Miran (ALP) 132 28.21 14315 33.71 318 17.04 14633 35.26 2288 80.73 16921 42.21
Dobson (AFI) -1050
Green (CDP) 97 20.73 2830 6.66 -2830
Hancock (LIB) 144 30.77 21255 50.05 1366 73.20 22621 54.50 546 19.27 23167 57.79
Votes In Count 468 42468 1866 41504 2834 40088
Exhausted 582 55.43 582 1.35 964 34.06 1546 3.59 1416 33.32 2962 6.88